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Are you worried about your child..

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I always thought "family issues" to be when daddy has been caught in bed with the au-pair, which causes mummy to drink heavily.


This is much more serious. . .


Trust me,family issues is used even when daddy is caught getting out of bed with daughter or even son.Well at my work it is.Then becomes a safeguarding issue.

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Me and all my mates saw porn while still in primary school around aged only around 10, we didn't go looking for it, but it was on some of the older kids phones and they showed us it on their phones. Probably to laugh at our reaction to it. It also depends what you class as a "child" 14 year-olds are classed as children while in reality the hormones are pumping and they have more of a desire for this material than a lot of others. In my opinion the whole daily mail "war on porn" rhetoric is purely targeted at middle-class housewives who have nothing better to do than to worry about a enemy that isn't really there.


Pornographic pictures were brought into my secondary school,but then a phone was in a red box 5 minutes walk from home.:hihi:

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When I was a kid we used to go into the woods to look at porn magazines, I think it is much safer for kids now, able to look at it in a safe® environment.


you what????


are you trying to say there's a safe environment in which a child should be looking at porn?


For crying out loud. No wonder our children are sexualised at far too young an age. There's no safe area for children to be exposed to pornography.


I remember a boy at school, when we were twelve, in a maths lesson, bringing in a blue magazine and flashing the rather gynaecological centrefold picture at us girls who were sat near the back of the classroom. It wasn't appropriate.

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you what????


are you trying to say there's a safe environment in which a child should be looking at porn?


For crying out loud. No wonder our children are sexualised at far too young an age. There's no safe area for children to be exposed to pornography.


I remember a boy at school, when we were twelve, in a maths lesson, bringing in a blue magazine and flashing the rather gynaecological centrefold picture at us girls who were sat near the back of the classroom. It wasn't appropriate.


At age 10, 41 years ago, with strict Christian parents, no such thing as the internet, no mobile phones and no access to pornography, I was still thinking about sex and doing what some little boys do, if you get what I mean. Access to pornography on the internet isn't responsible for the sexualisation of children, its something we humans have always done. Access to pornography hasn't caused any problems that weren't already there.

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Apologies, I don't like the word either.


Problem is I don't know any other politically-correct terms for it, and as I was engaged in several other forums debates (arguments...) at the time, it was the only word I could think of :D


Not a dig at you Jason, as for being worried about children as has been said, use the filters to block things. My 3 are all grown up but if I had their time again, I wouldn't let them near such as FB.

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Kids will always have curiosity, and at a certain age will want to see the opposite sex naked. Whether they do this by looking in magazines, by looking on the internet, or by looking at others, they will still want to see.


Just because they see a pornographic image online does not make them a rapist.

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If anybody rapes anybody it means they have a warped mind, it would be interesting to see the rape statistic in the UK pre and post internet. I'd bet my bottom pound that they were higher before the internet.


If anything these people are watching porn, releasing their 'tension', and don't go onto commit something they otherwise would have.


If you're talking about sexualising kids, it's getting some girl who's a kid herself namely Miley Cyrus dancing around on Saturday night at 8pm on X Factor with next to nothing on...to me that's worse, it's out in the open saying "Hey look I'm almost nude on prime time TV performing in front of kiddies almost naked and It's a family show so hey it must be ok."


Children know it's wrong to watch porn that's why they do it in their rooms with the door shut not in the living room in front of their parents.

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