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Women held as slaves in London for 30 years

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Police said they were of Indian and Tanzanian origin and came to the UK in the 1960s. They were previously arrested in the 1970s, but police will not say why and it is not known if they were charged.


so they are/were Maoist activists and so it was a "leftist"? political cult kidnapping?


According to Marxist archives they were leading figures at the Mao Zedong Memorial Centre based in Acre Lane, Brixton, south London, in the 1970s.


It was raided by police and five people, including the pair, were held.




anybody know why they were arrested in the 70s? possibly violence? sabatage? nothing seems to say why


ah this second link says

Police had previously said they had also been arrested in the 1970s but have not revealed what it was in connection with



In a statement, Cdr Steve Rodhouse of the Metropolitan Police, said: "We believe that two of the victims met the male suspect in London through a shared political ideology, and that they lived together at an address that you could effectively call a 'collective'.


"Somehow that collective came to an end and the women ended up continuing to live with the suspects.

it gets weirder, so did they live there willingly all along or is it a case of kidnapping?

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I was thinking more on the lines of Waco and that cult they had there,obviously bigger there,but some sort of shared ideology.

this is political rather than religious tho, ive never known political groups to kidnap people apart from maybe the patty hearst kiddnapping, and not really to live with them.


it brings back memories of 2 of my old mates who went a bit religious back in the early 90s

one joined the hari krishnas and one joined the jesus army, both took years to get back out and properly screwed their heads

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Marxists! Well I wasn't expecting that one. I don't understand why the police are so slow in releasing details when people want news of this surprising case. The details they release pose more questions than they answer.

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So no Muslims were to blame? I bet some on Sheffield Forum are secretly disappointed.


angos, zamo, just sarah and vinyl are feverishly reading up to see where the connection is between Maoists and radical Muslims, well those of them that can read are ;)

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