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Paying for care home

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has anyone succeeded in getting a decision overturned, when a relative who is in care was fully funded and had it taken off them, if so how did you go about it.


This hasn't had any replies so I wanted to bring it back up to the top. Can no one help this person?


It seems odd that relative qualified for funding one minute but didn't the next.


Personally I'd start by going to Citizen's advice, or a solicitor (if you can afford it.)

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There are a number of threads on here about care home funding - one here.


Even if someone has a relative or friend that has been in this position each case is different so the information may or may not be useful. It is quite complex because it involves an assessment of nursing needs as opposed to social care. A lay person may not have that level of knowledge.


It would be better if the OP gave more information about the person e.g. the illness, level of disability, how long he or she has been fully funded, reason for the authorities removing the funding.


If the OP wants to get the decision revoked then he or she needs to do as much research as possible and may need professional help to mount an appeal. There are some links in the aforementioned thread IIRC but maybe start with AgeUK.

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There are a number of threads on here about care home funding - one here.


Even if someone has a relative or friend that has been in this position each case is different so the information may or may not be useful. It is quite complex because it involves an assessment of nursing needs as opposed to social care. A lay person may not have that level of knowledge.


It would be better if the OP gave more information about the person e.g. the illness, level of disability, how long he or she has been fully funded, reason for the authorities removing the funding.


If the OP wants to get the decision revoked then he or she needs to do as much research as possible and may need professional help to mount an appeal. There are some links in the aforementioned thread IIRC but maybe start with AgeUK.


One things for sure; care homes / social services will try and get people to pay for their own care as it saves them money. So getting funding usually requires a fight, even when the OP has a good case.


Another thing to watch out for is savings dropping to below that required for the social services to step in and take over funding, (I think it's around £23,000 but not sure,) as the care home does not have to inform the client / client's relative, and it's almost impossible to get the money back once it's gone.

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One things for sure; care homes / social services will try and get people to pay for their own care as it saves them money. So getting funding usually requires a fight, even when the OP has a good case.


Another thing to watch out for is savings dropping to below that required for the social services to step in and take over funding, (I think it's around £23,000 but not sure,) as the care home does not have to inform the client / client's relative, and it's almost impossible to get the money back once it's gone.


That's a bit of a stretch, if you are going into nursing care there's a fair assumption you won't be looking after your financial affairs. Social services and their rules vary massively from council to council. Seek legal advice.

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