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Bible - Fiction?

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Because I don't think it would possible for the universe to spontaneously pop into existence from nothing, that's no vacuum, no empty space, no existence. I don't even think its possible to imagine nothing.


If in fact there was nothing before the universe, which I very much doubt, then its easier to believe that a God caused it to pop into existence from nothing, rather than it just popped into existence all on its own.


This postulates that "a God" existed before the Universe. How did this being originate? Maybe another "God" caused that "God" to pop into existence. And another "God" caused ,,,,, and so on for an infinite series

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Hitler was a Christian, he said so himself, many times.


That however has nothing to do with atheism. Evidence shows that Nazism has it's roots in Christianity, that doesn't mean that all Christians are Nazis.

That's been discussed before on previous posts.


I should hope all Christians aren't or weren't Nazis.

Especially those among the millions who fought, or lost their lives in WW11.


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 12:32 ----------


Janie, I enjoy having conversations about stuff like this, but we have taken this thread way off topic now. So I think these are going to be my last words about this. Hitler, like a lot of people back then - and not just Germans - was very superstitious. Germans had their little traditions and beliefs that revolved around those superstitions. So I'd be a little careful when people spin the idea that he was an occultist. The Nazis did misuse Nietzsche ideas(who wasn't anti-Semitic) just as they misused Arthur de Gobineau ideas who, I believe, also wasn't anti-Semitic.


At the end of the day, Hitler was a power freak - and they come in all shapes and sizes whether they are atheist or theist. I'm not sure that he was totally insane, but he was delusional.


Janie, this is not about condemning Christianity - you are just taking it that way. There are decent liberal and tolerant variants of Christianity and there are some bloody bad ones. No two groups of Christians are the same.

I've had enough of the subject too, but its interesting to look back at history sometimes, if only to try to learn by mistakes and see what shaped events.

On a lighter note i'll end with this link.Apparently it doesn't offend most Germans, and they find it amusing.:)

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This postulates that "a God" existed before the Universe. How did this being originate? Maybe another "God" caused that "God" to pop into existence. And another "God" caused ,,,,, and so on for an infinite series


Assuming that nothing is possible and assuming that God created the universe out of nothing, I would assume that God existed out side time and space so needed no creator.


But that's a lot of assumptions about thing we don't even know are possible, so we might as well assume something that we know to be possible as always existed. We know the universe is possible and the vacuum of space is part of that universe, so we may as well assume it always existed but not as we see it now.

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Assuming that nothing is possible and assuming that God created the universe out of nothing, I would assume that God existed out side time and space so needed no creator.


But that's a lot of assumptions about thing we don't even know are possible, so we might as well assume something that we know to be possible as always existed. We know the universe is possible and the vacuum of space is part of that universe, so we may as well assume it always existed but not as we see it now.


It's all assumptions though, isn't it?!


The only thing I know for certain is that we'll never know the answer. So lets stop belittling people for their beliefs and concentrate on more important things.

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It's all assumptions though, isn't it?!


The only thing I know for certain is that we'll never know the answer. So lets stop belittling people for their beliefs and concentrate on more important things.


Thats just another assumption, and if you are going to assume something, it might as well be something that we know is possible.

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Default assumption is based on the fact that nothing creates itself- hence something (or Someone) created it.


Thats an assumption based on the possibility of nothing being possible, and there is no evidence to suggest that nothing is possible, therefor the default position must be that because the universe exists it must have always existed.

Baring in mind that the vacuum of space which isn't nothing is part of the universe.

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