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Bible - Fiction?

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Yes, America has been well known for its white inhabitants' tolerance and welcome to blacks.

The real reason the "Pilgrim Fathers" went to America was to found a colony in which they could persecute those who worshipped differently; they used corporal and capital punishment on them!

We spent a long holiday with many Americans; they were real nice folk to us. But their views on Obama's re-election were extreme!


You'd have thought with him being half white, they'd be at least half happy about it!

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Yes, America has been well known for its white inhabitants' tolerance and welcome to blacks.

The real reason the "Pilgrim Fathers" went to America was to found a colony in which they could persecute those who worshipped differently; they used corporal and capital punishment on them!

We spent a long holiday with many Americans; they were real nice folk to us. But their views on Obama's re-election were extreme!

I was just really pointing out how diverse America is racially and ethnically with such a massive population, not ignoring the faults of its history or denying that prejudices don't still exist in the present.


I can't comment on why those Americans didn't want to see Obama re-elected, because I don't know whether it was for a political reason, or something else.

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Let's see how she is in a year or two.

I'd be so happy if "natural remedies" did cure her -- it would probably be much less expensive.

Sadly, I've seen adult patients die under "natural" treatments.

Don't know which leukaemia this child has, but the prognosis for many forms is good with chemotherapy.


It wouldn't really be ethical to put 100 patients on "natural" and 100 on "unnatural" treatments, and see how many of each group live 5 years.


But if this child were in our family, I'd vote for the chemo!

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The bible is actually FACTION, fact and fiction combined, but hunting for the facts in the fiction is a very time involving practice. All fairy stories have a truth within them.


no its not. It's fiction peppered with truths. calling it 'faction' is just trying to give credence to it where none exists.

The major points in the bible still come under fiction; Omnipotent God, virgin birth, resurrection and hell/heaven.

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It's fiction peppered with truths. calling it 'faction' is just trying to give credence to it where none exists.

The major points in the bible still come under fiction; Omnipotent God, virgin birth, resurrection and hell/heaven.

No, that's not so either.

"The Bible" is not one book, anyway, although 'biblios' is Greek for 'book'.

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Would you consider Harry Potter to be faction or fiction? It too is peppered with truths.



I consider the Bible and Harry Potter to both be works of fiction, unless someone can prove otherwise. My point was that Psynuk was trying to argue against Erebus by agreeing with him!

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