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Bible - Fiction?

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Firstly, the big bang can and has been proven.


So has evolution.


Finally, there was never a scientific consensus that the earth was flat.


So basically you don't know what you're talking about at all.


If that's the case they will be able to say precisely what is was and what caused it.

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That would depend on the something.


The something is the big bang, what makes you think everything would need to be known about it in order to prove it?


EDIT- Or to phrase it your way, what makes you think they'd know everything about it if they could prove it?

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It doesn't matter to me who wrote them, I would still accept them as eyewitness accounts.


Luke as one example never met Jesus, but there is nothing to prove that he didn't meet the mother of Jesus or others who had known him.

I wouldn't expect to see the gospels written identical to one another without a little contradiction or some detail mentioned in one but not in another, in fact if they were written as carbon copies of each other I think I would find them less believable.


Okay, I'll bite.


Well at least you're not suggesting that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.


I agree, eyewitnesses don't have to be in 100% agreement to maintain the general truth of events. Eyewitness accounts don't have to paint a perfect picture, just a plausible account.


But what about Easter, the most important single day for Christians? If you try to use the Gospels to determine a narrative for that most important day, you'll end up in a most terrible confusion.


It's not just slight differences in detail, it's enormous contradictions.


Earthquake, or no earthquake?

Stone already rolled away from the door of the sepulchre when the women arrived, or after?

Who were the women? What time did they visit? Was it light or dark?

Where was the first post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to the disciples?

Where did the ascension take place? Did it take place?

I could go on, but simply try and write down what happened and the sequence of events using the Gospels and you cannot.


Either some of them were wrong, or all of them. They weren't all eyewitness accounts.

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The something is the big bang, what makes you think everything would need to be known about it in order to prove it?


EDIT- Or to phrase it your way, what makes you think they'd know everything about it if they could prove it?


They don't even know what it is or what caused it, so to claim it's a fact, is absurd.


Its just the most popular unproven theory of how the universe started and not everyone thinks it even start.

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