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No it wouldn't, and that comment just goes to show how little you know about theists, in your general assumption.


Many do through periods of doubt through life's experiences, some momentary, others for longer or intermittent periods.


A believer should always be prepared for doubt, it can often be a sign of growth as I've now realised, and if it I was to doubt at any time in the future I wouldn't let it bother me in the slightest.


"Doubt is but an element of faith" Saint Augustine.



Well said janie and I know plenty of theists that think the same.

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That is an atheistic position, and the position of every atheist on this thread who you've been arguing with.


It is also Richard Dawkin's position, as well as every other prominent atheist I've heard of.


Really? Interesting, so they are all using an incorrect word to describe themselves then?

The meaning of the Greek word has already been posted twice by me but especially for you, a- without + theos- God.


Atheist = Without God.


For a group who seem to possess a lot of adherents who appear inordinately concerned by words & there exact definitions you'd think they'd wish to be a little more specific in their choice of designation wouldn't you? :)

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Really? Interesting, so they are all using an incorrect word to describe themselves then?

The meaning of the Greek word has already been posted twice by me but especially for you, a- without + theos- God.


Atheist = Without God.

That's a very dubious argument, by that reasoning the word theist would just mean 'god'. Do you really think people who describe themselves as theists are calling themselves gods?


No, the word theist means 'someone who believes in god', it does not mean 'god'. So adding the prefix 'a' negates it and it becomes 'someone who does not believe in god'.


So basically, if I ask you the question "do you believe in god/s?" and you answer anything other than yes, you're an atheist. Because only answering yes would make you a theist, and being an atheist simply means not being a theist.


For a group who seem to possess a lot of adherents who appear inordinately concerned by words & there exact definitions you'd think they'd wish to be a little more specific in their choice of designation wouldn't you? :)
It's not their fault you don't get it.
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That's a very dubious argument, by that reasoning the word theist would just mean 'god'. Do you really think people who describe themselves as theists are calling themselves gods?


No, the word theist means 'someone who believes in god', it does not mean 'god'. So adding the prefix 'a' negates it and it becomes 'someone who does not believe in god'.


So basically, if I ask you the question "do you believe in god/s?" and you answer anything other than yes, you're an atheist. Because only answering yes would make you a theist, and being an atheist simply means not being a theist.


It's not their fault you don't get it.


EH! You you have just stated exactly what I have been saying all along. An Atheist does not believe in a God or Gods, a Theist does.


Read my post at 409.


Someone doesn't get it alright, but it isn't me :).

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EH! You you have just stated exactly what I have been saying all along. An Atheist does not believe in a God or Gods, a Theist does.
Nope, you are either lying or you have a bad memory.




The Belief that there is no God.


Once again we come up against the little matter of Proof.

There is none. In exactly the same way that religions cannot prove their beliefs neither can Atheism.


Admittedly, it's a far more basic premise requiring a minimum of thought process, but that is still all it is, a Belief.


Atheism makes a statement as to the existence of God - admittedly only a brief one - it is therefore in the realms of theology as opposed to Truth.


Atheists are believers, just negative ones.

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Nope, you are either lying or you have a bad memory.


I wrote that Atheism means 'The belief there is no God'. You wrote, as an explanation of the meaning of the word Atheist in your second paragraph of post 424 'Someone who does not believe in God.'


If you do not believe there is a God then you naturally would not believe in him would you?


So asking someone who has just said 'I do not believe in God' the question 'So you believe there is no God?' Would bring forth the reply 'As I've just said, tin ears, I don't believe there is such a thing.'


As for Richard Dawkins when did he alter his views? Quite a few years ago now I sat & listened to one of his lectures. On that occasion he made it abundantly clear that he was an Atheist with no belief whatsoever in God(s). Wasn't one of his books called 'The God Delusion'?


Haven't bothered with him since then as he struck me as an arrogant piece of work who was obviously out to make money from his notoriety.

Maybe as he's getting older his bottle is going & he's looking to hedge his bets. :)


---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 19:54 ----------


So because you find these threads amusing, you're acting like an intellectually dishonest troll. Fair enough.




Exactly. I'm surprised you haven't broken a rib laughing at yourself.


I'm not getting email updates on threads since they did some work a while back so missed this. My apologies. :)


Two things that I most definitely am not is intellectual or dishonest. :)


What I am is a pee taker. I make no apologies for that whatsoever, I come from a long line of pee takers it's in the DNA.


However, what I have posted has been along the lines of what I believe, I would not deliberately lie to wind someone up, just push the point a little far maybe :) sorry if it's upset you. :)


Not come close to a rib fracture on this thread, just the occasional chuckle. :)

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However, what I have posted has been along the lines of what I believe, I would not deliberately lie to wind someone up, just push the point a little far maybe :) sorry if it's upset you. :)


It doesn't upset me mate. I just think you come across as a troll who's trying to disrupt a thread for kicks.


Just to add, if you actually read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, you'd find he hasn't changed his views. He is an atheist with absolutely no belief in god. Like many of us here though, he thinks the existence of a god is extremely unlikely and finds no convincing reason to believe a god exists.

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EH! You you have just stated exactly what I have been saying all along. An Atheist does not believe in a God or Gods, a Theist does.


Read my post at 409.


Someone doesn't get it alright, but it isn't me :).


You're argument keeps swinging between two different positions, either deliberately or because you genuinely still can't grasp the difference. Seeing as the last time we exchanged posts you indicated that you do know the difference but ignore the significance of it, it does indeed seem that you are just trolling.


---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 20:44 ----------


The importance that some people give to the definition of a word & the hoops which they are prepared to jump through to justify their interpretation is hilarious.

Standing firm is hardly jumping through hoops. Backpedalling and changing your argument on the other hand...

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You're argument keeps swinging between two different positions, either deliberately or because you genuinely still can't grasp the difference. Seeing as the last time we exchanged posts you indicated that you do know the difference but ignore the significance of it, it does indeed seem that you are just trolling.


---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 20:44 ----------


Standing firm is hardly jumping through hoops. Backpedalling and changing your argument on the other hand...


Where exactly did I do that?


---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 20:48 ----------


It doesn't upset me mate. I just think you come across as a troll who's trying to disrupt a thread for kicks.


Just to add, if you actually read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, you'd find he hasn't changed his views. He is an atheist with absolutely no belief in god. Like many of us here though, he thinks the existence of a god is extremely unlikely and finds no convincing reason to believe a god exists.


Then you are wrong. I have no intention of disrupting the thread. What I am attempting to do, is provide a differing point of view.

In no way do I wish to change anyone's mind on the subject simply point out my view.


Where it may have 'upped the ante' a little was when someone tried to tell me what kind of agnostic I was.


Now I have been accused of doing the same thing but that isn't so. The point which I have made is simply that in common usage if you tell someone that you are an atheist they conclude that you don't believe in God.

It appears that some people wish to nitpick & see a difference between having 'no belief in God' & 'thinking the existence of a God is unlikely.'


Now to most people, if you tell someone 'I don't think there is a God but it might be possible' they would think you were an agnostic. Common usage over rides established meanings which is one of the reasons they need to update dictionary's.


And now I'm nitpicking. :)


The reason I said earlier that I didn't care wasn't to be 'smart'. It is simply that whilst this type of debate can be amusing, in the end it is simply otiose.


No one can learn anything from such a debate, because there are no Facts to learn from,only other peoples opinions which are unlikely to change. :)


So unless someone requests a reply I shall leave you all to your debate & wish you all a sincere Happy Christmas.

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