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Bible - Fiction?

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The 'position we are born into, a lack of belief? That sentence alone shows your totally & absolute lack of any kind of intelligence on this subject.


What he means by that is children aren't born with beliefs in a god. Those beliefs come later; they are passed on through language, culture and indoctrination.


Whether you agree or disagree with their opinion you have to accept that they stand by their opinions & believe in them. They have belief in their opinion. This therefore makes them a 'believer' in their viewpoint. Yes? Simple enough for you to grasp?


An opinion unsupported by facts is merely a belief of the person who holds that opinion. There are no facts with regard to the existence, or none existence of God.


Just to continue from my earlier post. I understand your argument, I just don't agree with it.


The reason for that is:


1) Atheism is a state of being, not a belief.

2) Atheism is a state of being, not an opinion.

3) The term atheist is a label given to describe a persons state of being. That person's state of being would still be the same without that label.

4) God is irrelevant to the life of an atheist.

5) Declaring your state of being does not make your state of being an opinion or belief.


IMO, you've still got that straw-man image of what an atheist is in your head: "I am agnostic, as being atheist also requires belief in an unknown theory." - well, it doesn't.


And by the way, an unknown theory is unknown. You can't have a belief in an unknown theory.

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Your brain does not appear to compute.


It works just fine thanks.




Agnostics take the view, that given the thousands of years & hundreds of ways that the human race has attempted to come up with an answer, the probability is that we will never know. logical & showing modesty.
That's an illogical opinion, because for thousands of years humans have answered many questions that they couldn't in the past. Logically one would conclude that we will eventually know.





Agnostics are seeking the truth before believing, they would welcome the truth.
How can an Agnostic be seeking the truth when they have already concluded that the truth can't be known.



The 'position we are born into, a lack of belief? That sentence alone shows your totally & absolute lack of any kind of intelligence on this subject.

You think babies are born with belief in God, that's interesting but also illogical.




Virtually every single race, every single civilisation that has ever existed on this planet has had belief in Deities of some form or other. You really are out of your depth here & have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.
That's right because each generation passes their beliefs onto the next generation.


Agnostic from the term Nostic meaning 'Learned' from the Greek
Yet you have blocked that learning process by believing that nothing can be known about the nature and existence of God.




It does not exclude the possibility that something may be learned, simply thinks that it is unlikely. As things stand do you think we will know one way or the other in our lifetime?
That question is irrelevant because it doesn't relate to the definition of agnostic, and because agnostics believe that nothing can be known about the nature of God, they have already concluded that nothing can be learned about the nature of God.




Dear me, you really have no idea do you? For the last time will you pay attention?
If you think it possible to learn something about the nature of God then you can't be agnostic.




Agnostics accept that they DON'T KNOW, get it? That means that whilst I doubted what was being taught, it didn't mean I dismissed it completely, it meant that I didn't accept it without question.
Yes and they also believe that nothing can be known, most atheists don't know if God exists, but they don't claim it is unknowable. Being atheist is the most logical stance because they have left the door open for the possibility of learning something about the nature and existence of God.






Shouting it doesn't change anything, I fully understand your stance, if you are agnostic your belief it that you cannot know anything about the nature or existence of God. The door is therefor closed to the possibility that you can know something about the nature and existence of God.


This means that it could go either way, do you understand that?
Apart from you have already decided that your stance is one which discounts the possibility of ever knowing, therefor it can't go either way, it can only stay the same.

Not Atheist, accept there may be a God.

Yes some atheist believe there could be a God but currently don't have the belief that it exists.


Not theist, accept there may not be a God.
Some theists believe that God may not exist, but currently believe that it does.
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When you listen to children annoyingly bickering around the table on points that are more about the annoyingly immature children individually attempting to make a point than the issue the point is being made about, makes this thread the perfect example of those annoyingly immature children.


Well done children.


IMO costco were spot on and shouldn't have backed down.

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When you listen to children annoyingly bickering around the table on points that are more about the annoyingly immature children individually attempting to make a point, than the issue the point is being made about, makes this thread the perfect example of those annoyingly immature children.


Well done children.


I find that children just say random things for the sake of saying them because they feel left out when adults are talking.


Now go and sit down and do some more crayoning. :)

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Can't help feeling that skinz has a point. This is getting tedious for all of us I'm sure, but I will make one final attempt just for the hell of it.


Logic does not dictate that we will know. You may already be aware of the photo but if not, Google 'Pale Blue Dot' & take a look.


You may believe that the inhabitants of that insignificant ( in the scheme of things ) grain of rock are going to solve the mysteries of the Universe before they destroy themselves with nuclear war, famine or disease but I don't. Just like you I'm entitled to my opinion. And it's being so cheerful what keeps me going.


Grant you the seeking proof. Should have said waiting for proof. As Agnostics believe humans won't figure it out, they don't see much point in trying themselves. We are aware however, that other people are attempting to do so. Should they succeed then fine, we will then know & agnosticism will be redundant. As will all other opposing views.


The possibility of being wrong about something is a fact of life. Obviously, that doesn't apply to certain SF posters but I'm afraid I'm not one of them.


Personally, as I'm not a qualified Physicist nor a Theologian, I cannot but feel that my efforts to find the secret of life & the universe would proof fruitless.


I believe that even qualified individuals will fail in their efforts, but que sera sera.

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Can't help feeling that skinz has a point. This is getting tedious for all of us I'm sure, but I will make one final attempt just for the hell of it.

I can understand why some people might find the discussion tedious, but they don't have to read it or contribute to it.


Logic does not dictate that we will know. You may already be aware of the photo but if not, Google 'Pale Blue Dot' & take a look.






You may believe that the inhabitants of that insignificant ( in the scheme of things ) grain of rock are going to solve the mysteries of the Universe before they destroy themselves with nuclear war, famine or disease but I don't. Just like you I'm entitled to my opinion. And it's being so cheerful what keeps me going.

I'm happy to agree to disagree.


Grant you the seeking proof. Should have said waiting for proof. As Agnostics believe humans won't figure it out, they don't see much point in trying themselves. We are aware however, that other people are attempting to do so. Should they succeed then fine, we will then know & agnosticism will be redundant. As will all other opposing views.
The vast majority of people aren't trying to prove or disprove the existence of God, it doesn't make them agnostic.





The possibility of being wrong about something is a fact of life. Obviously, that doesn't apply to certain SF posters but I'm afraid I'm not one of them.
Not sure what relevance this as to the discussion.



Personally, as I'm not a qualified Physicist nor a Theologian, I cannot but feel that my efforts to find the secret of life & the universe would proof fruitless.


In that case it seams a bit odd to conclude that nothing can be known about the nature or existence of God.


I believe that even qualified individuals will fail in their efforts, but que sera sera.


You are entitled to hold whatever belief you want to hold, but it doesn't make it more logical than the beliefs of anyone else.

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I can understand why some people might find the discussion tedious, but they don't have to read it or contribute to it.



To come to the conclusion that I believe your posts are mundanely tedious I would first have to read them, otherwise my criticism would be moot.


Maybe after reading it one felt compelled to point out how tedious it is. That is not only a contribution but also a criticism. Two aspects which you are using Ad infinitum. SF is not yours to dictate to. Maybe if you weren't so mundanely tedious, the criticism wouldn't be levelled at you.

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