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Bible - Fiction?

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I notice on these religious threads that no one ever has a word of criticism for the Qu'ran or the Torah written works

Now why is that? Some kind of derence to political correctness?


You mean the religion of peace dont get me started (prophet who murders but its justified blah blah blah). All religions are fairytales it is just amazing that in the 21st century people believe these books that are so full of holes it beggars belief. My god would write his own unambiguous book not allow such misinterpretation. Some people follow and are good people and when taken as a way of living it can be good, I would say I have christian values but do not believe there is any truth at all in the one special god. Why are some people christians or muslims its geography. Religion will die out when science eventually shows what total drivel religion is.

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I notice on these religious threads that no one ever has a word of criticism for the Qu'ran or the Torah written works

Now why is that? Some kind of derence to political correctness?


Perhaps in this case, it's because the title of the thread is "Bible-Fiction?" and not "Torah - Fiction", or "Qur'an - Fiction?", and that the scriptures we are discussing are the Bible.

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Perhaps in this case, it's because the title of the thread is "Bible-Fiction?" and not "Torah - Fiction", or "Qur'an - Fiction?", and that the scriptures we are discussing are the Bible.


I think Harley is a religious nut job (John Wayneacism ) but is afraid to come out of the closet. :hihi:

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Well , I for one think the bible is a total load of tosh & most definitely a fantasy book For a start who on earth in their right mind can believe that someone created a woman from a mans rib !!!!! :loopy:. That is just downright stupid . A virgin cannot give birth unless someone used a turkey baster with sperm on it . So I reckon Joseph was either married to Mary or they were living in " sin" . Either way , I believe they were having sex. So , yes , I do think Jesus was born , but not in the way the bible says it did , but as a result of sexual relations between Joseph & Mary. Mary may well have given birth in a stable , as there may well have been no room at the inn at the time and she was going into labour so couldn't find anywhere else to give birth .That is quite possible . I reckon Jesus started an early cult where he spoke about his beliefs to people that were quite different from the norm for those days . So there was no wonder the Romans were annoyed with Jesus because what he was talking about went against everything they believed in . They saw him as a threat therefore executed him . As people know I believe in ghosts & I believe that it was probably his ghost people saw when he was supposed to be resurrected . So , anyone who thinks someone can walk on water is sadly misguided unless the person had an early type of water ski . This is just my opinion , so no asking for proof or anything , just my thinking ;)


There is a theory regarding the reporting/writing about the life of Jesus in the Bible.


Apparently very early on there was a schism between the disciples about which direction to take in preaching about his life. (I think it was) Andrew, the brother of Jesus thought the message / teachings of Jesus should be the main focus of the preaching, whereas Peter thought the man himself should be the focus.


Peter won, thus, a kind of personality cult developed around Jesus, the man. This included the miracles and the stranger more 'supernatural' elements. As happens when a story is retold, certain parts became distorted and exagerated, even the 'son of God' element was misinterpreted, from meaning 'every one of us is the son of God', to Jesus alone being the son of God, one third of the HolyTrinity. Mary was also elevated with the virgin birth/Nativity story, (which I believe is only mentioned in one of the four synoptic Gospels and then only briefly,) and so on.


Far from it being told alongside the message as Peter intended, strengthening the influence of it, it could be argued that the message was lost as people became obsessed by the 'magical' element.


Certainly these days some people dismiss the whole idea of Jesus, and the Bible, simply because they can't believe the mystical side of it.

Which is a pity, as his message and the things he taught make a great deal of sense.


I'm afraid I can't source this as I can't remember where I first heard this from, and I've no idea if it is true, but it is another way of looking at it.

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Well , I for one think the bible is a total load of tosh & most definitely a fantasy book For a start who on earth in their right mind can believe that someone created a woman from a mans rib !!!!! :loopy:. That is just downright stupid . A virgin cannot give birth unless someone used a turkey baster with sperm on it . So I reckon Joseph was either married to Mary or they were living in " sin" . Either way , I believe they were having sex. So , yes , I do think Jesus was born , but not in the way the bible says it did , but as a result of sexual relations between Joseph & Mary. Mary may well have given birth in a stable , as there may well have been no room at the inn at the time and she was going into labour so couldn't find anywhere else to give birth .That is quite possible . I reckon Jesus started an early cult where he spoke about his beliefs to people that were quite different from the norm for those days . So there was no wonder the Romans were annoyed with Jesus because what he was talking about went against everything they believed in . They saw him as a threat therefore executed him . As people know I believe in ghosts & I believe that it was probably his ghost people saw when he was supposed to be resurrected . So , anyone who thinks someone can walk on water is sadly misguided unless the person had an early type of water ski . This is just my opinion , so no asking for proof or anything , just my thinking ;)

Always worth a laugh when someone with their own irrational beliefs ridicules other peoples' irrational beliefs.

I've noticed in the past that you don't like it when the shoe is on the other hand :roll:


I notice on these religious threads that no one ever has a word of criticism for the Qu'ran or the Torah written works

Now why is that? Some kind of derence to political correctness?

Start a thread about the Torah and/or Qu'ran and I'll happily post on them that I don't think they're factual either.


---------- Post added 26-12-2013 at 23:48 ----------


There is a theory regarding the reporting/writing about the life of Jesus in the Bible.


Apparently very early on there was a schism between the disciples about which direction to take in preaching about his life. (I think it was) Andrew, the brother of Jesus thought the message / teachings of Jesus should be the main focus of the preaching, whereas Peter thought the man himself should be the focus.


Peter won, thus, a kind of personality cult developed around Jesus, the man. This included the miracles and the stranger more 'supernatural' elements. As happens when a story is retold, certain parts became distorted and exagerated, even the 'son of God' element was misinterpreted, from meaning 'every one of us is the son of God', to Jesus alone being the son of God, one third of the HolyTrinity. Mary was also elevated with the virgin birth/Nativity story, (which I believe is only mentioned in one of the four synoptic Gospels and then only briefly,) and so on.


Far from it being told alongside the message as Peter intended, strengthening the influence of it, it could be argued that the message was lost as people became obsessed by the 'magical' element.


Certainly these days some people dismiss the whole idea of Jesus, and the Bible, simply because they can't believe the mystical side of it.

Which is a pity, as his message and the things he taught make a great deal of sense.


I'm afraid I can't source this as I can't remember where I first heard this from, and I've no idea if it is true, but it is another way of looking at it.

Hmm, sounds like a parody of that film.... The Life of Brian :thumbsup:

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