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Bible - Fiction?

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Hitler was theist.


Perhaps that detail will remain hypothetical, because there have been so many books written about Hitler filled with contradictory quotes from those who had personal contact with him.

The TV documentary that was on earlier in the year "The Dark Charisma of Adolph Hitler" gave much insight into his psychotic personality.

It demonstrated just how manipulative and opportunist he was.


He certainly hated Christianity with a vengeance, but needed to be heard supporting it at public gatherings when he was condemning Communism and saying it was an evil threat to the nation.

He arranged for the Gestapo to spy on the clergy at church services, so that if they were heard to be condemning the fascist regime they could be arrested and executed, as so many were.

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Perhaps that detail will remain hypothetical, because there have been so many books written about Hitler filled with contradictory quotes from those who had personal contact with him.

The TV documentary that was on earlier in the year "The Dark Charisma of Adolph Hitler" gave much insight into his psychotic personality.

It demonstrated just how manipulative and opportunist he was.


He certainly hated Christianity with a vengeance, but needed to be heard supporting it at public gatherings when he was condemning Communism and saying it was an evil threat to the nation.

He arranged for the Gestapo to spy on the clergy at church services, so that if they were heard to be condemning the fascist regime they could be arrested and executed, as so many were.


A person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle whilst exercising unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation.


Sounds like just the type of person to start a new religion.


Just think, if he had won, in about a thousand years he would have been revered as a prophet of God.

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Perhaps that detail will remain hypothetical, because there have been so many books written about Hitler filled with contradictory quotes from those who had personal contact with him.


Whilst you can argue the toss about Hitler's private views, the fact remained that the ideology he publicly championed and the one into which great swathes of German society fell was an overtly religious one.


Hitler may or may not have been Christian, however Nazism most certainly was.

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Whilst you can argue the toss about Hitler's private views, the fact remained that the ideology he publicly championed and the one into which great swathes of German society fell was an overtly religious one.


Hitler may or may not have been Christian, howeverNazism most certainly was..

Why didn't every other Christian nation adopt it then?
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Well I've just never heard that said before.

I've heard some say Christianity is the foundation of Marxism though.


The foundations of European antisemitism most certainly are entirely Christian.


Let's not forget that the founder of the protestant movement, and possibly Germanys most famous and celebrated theologian of all time, Martin Luther, wrote a 60,000 word essay entitled 'On the Jews and their lies'.


And his writings (as well as the writings of other prominent Christians) were used frequently and to great effect to help get the German people to go along with the Nazis.


Here's a nice quote from him. Remember, this is one of the guys who were responsible for the protestant reformation, not some extremist crank, from the very heart of mainstream Christianity:


"Their [the Jews] private houses must be destroyed and devastated, they could be lodged in stables. Let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let whatever escapes be covered with sand and mud. Let them force to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to expel them like dogs in order not to expose ourselves to incurring divine wrath and eternal damnation from the Jews and their lies"


Whatever you believe about Hitler's private views, the seeds of the holocaust were sown by Christian priests.

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The foundations of European antisemitism most certainly are entirely Christian.


Let's not forget that the founder of the protestant movement, and possibly Germanys most famous and celebrated theologian of all time, Martin Luther, wrote a 60,000 word essay entitled 'On the Jews and their lies'.


And his writings (as well as the writings of other prominent Christians) were used frequently and to great effect to help get the German people to go along with the Nazis.


Here's a nice quote from him. Remember, this is literally the guy who was responsible for the protestant reformation, not some extremist crank, the very heart of mainstream Christianity:


"Their [the Jews] private houses must be destroyed and devastated, they could be lodged in stables. Let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let whatever escapes be covered with sand and mud. Let them force to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to expel them like dogs in order not to expose ourselves to incurring divine wrath and eternal damnation from the Jews and their lies"

I acknowledge there have always been anti-Semitic Christians, though I've never understood why, considering Jesus was a Jew.


I don't think you can blame the entire German nation who supported Hitler. They were seduced (if not hypnotised) at those mass rallies by his lies, deceit and propaganda - as well as being tricked into believing Jews were responsible for the economy crisis in the thirties, and that it was the Jews that had been responsible for earlier communist riots.

And it wasn't until after the war that they became aware of what had happened in the concentration camps.


Thankfully, after the war, it was a Christian Democrat chancellor who had been imprisoned for opposing fascism, that was able to do so much to repair the devastation Hitler had left behind.


---------- Post added 24-11-2013 at 21:43 ----------


The foundations of European antisemitism most certainly are entirely Christian.


Let's not forget that the founder of the protestant movement, and possibly Germanys most famous and celebrated theologian of all time, Martin Luther, wrote a 60,000 word essay entitled 'On the Jews and their lies'.


And his writings (as well as the writings of other prominent Christians) were used frequently and to great effect to help get the German people to go along with the Nazis.


Here's a nice quote from him. Remember, this is one of the guys who were responsible for the protestant reformation, not some extremist crank, from the very heart of mainstream Christianity:


"Their [the Jews] private houses must be destroyed and devastated, they could be lodged in stables. Let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let whatever escapes be covered with sand and mud. Let them force to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to expel them like dogs in order not to expose ourselves to incurring divine wrath and eternal damnation from the Jews and their lies"


Whatever you believe about Hitler's private views,the seeds of the holocaust were sown by Christian priests. .

So would that include the thousands who lost their lives in the gas chambers?

You would make a very good promoter for atheist communism, with that kind of remark.

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