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No siblings: A side-effect of China's one-child policy

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So China with a population of just under 1.5 billion could in a generation double? Its been a long time since millions starved, should be a good load of TV shows on that in the future.


Your idea and my idea of good telly differ greatly. What do you watch for fun (in lieu of people starving to death)

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Stabilise human population??? You must be joking, doing what a pandemic every so often, starvation, war only kills a few, we need to mass murder a couple of billion and soon, to stabilise population growth.


Grow up, letting China double its population in a generation should allow mass starvation, a collapse in the economy, just what the west want to happen. Thy are not one of us, they are the other, and we exterminate the other, look at British history in Australia, where the native population was classed as vermin and people got paid per head of population killed. Heads were certainly counted and collected, and in Africa Kenya we taught them a lesson, with rape and murder, but it did not stop the population growth for long.


The population will level out, "In your dreams" the poor breed like lice, everywhere on earth, and in the UK the good old Conservitives have a solution for that sort of thing, put the mothers on the streets where they apparently belong, if they have more kids than specified. Welcome to the New British method of compassion!


It has to stabilise. It is inevitable. There are 2 billion children in the world today yet 7 billion people. The old will die off and it is called the great fill up and will stabilise at 10 billion in a few generations. Just watch the link I posted above and try to refute Hans Rosling who is a brilliant statistician. The population has boomed because child mortality rates fell through the floor with the advance of medicine and science. It will level off.

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It has to stabilise. It is inevitable. There are 2 billion children in the world today yet 7 billion people. The old will die off and it is called the great fill up and will stabilise at 10 billion in a few generations. Just watch the link I posted above and try to refute Hans Rosling who is a brilliant statistician. The population has boomed because child mortality rates fell through the floor with the advance of medicine and science. It will level off.


I wouldn't bother. erebus is a conspiracy theorist and isn't concerned about little things like facts and logic.

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