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Coming to terms with killing

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Im a peaceful man and i like to think i have good values. I do my bit for the community, my neighbours and friends but recently i have had call to question my values and morals into question. I had a call from a distressed friend, some how she had managed to get mice in her house. They were all over it leaving their mess and damage throughout the home. She asked me if i could help her get rid of them so for the last few weeks ive been trying humane traps and non lethal ways of catching them releasing the mice outside.

Unfortunately the humane methods were not working and the mouse problem was getting worse and worse and my friend was getting more distressed.

So i purchased some poison from the supermarket.

The mice now seem to have gone and my friend is very grateful but im now racked with guilt. I cant stop myself from thinking about the family of mice i probably killed. I did try and had it been my own home i would have probably gone further down the humane route however my friend was desperate and sacred her babies would get hurt or catch some disease from the mice. I used to feel i was a good person. Now im not so sure.

Did i do the right thing?

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you need to get a sense of perspective here.


all you have done is kill a few mice, there are millions more, it's not like you took an ak-47 and shot all the neighbours.


if you want something positive to think about, you are helping to drive the evolution of poison resistant mice.

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all you have done is kill a few mice, there are millions more, it's not like you took an ak-47 and shot all the neighbours.


When you put it like that, would it matter if you went and killed your neighbours?

After all, there are billions more more people in the world.


As for the OP.

You did give it a shot, but it is the way it is sometimes. You took the measures to make your friend feel safe again.

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Jew boy,


Try not to beat yourself up about it.


I read your post and empathized completely. Remind yourself that you tried the humane options first, but it didn't work. That tells you something about you and your values.


Had you and your friend allowed the situation to go untreated, it would have quickly got out of control. :(


If it makes you feel any better, I had similar feelings when I had to mass exterminate an ant nest.


Ultimately, although it wasn't a pleasant experience, it had to be done. Be kind to yourself.

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I think your post is a sign of how far we have drifted from our roots. The big picture is that humans are part of the ecological system and we wouldn't be where we are without having to kill other animals from time to time.


It isn't nice to do, yet you (probably) eat meat and fish. It isn't nice, yet you probably wear leather on your feet.


Three of my uncles worked in an abattoir in the Netherlands, I visited them once and was disgusted, pigs were electrocuted, hung on a big hook, cut open from throat to anus and eyes were popped out with fingers.


I talked to my uncles and although they were sympathetic, they asked if I liked meat? Because this is where it comes from and if they didn't do it, than I would have to do it myself.

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Im a peaceful man and i like to think i have good values. I do my bit for the community, my neighbours and friends but recently i have had call to question my values and morals into question. I had a call from a distressed friend, some how she had managed to get mice in her house. They were all over it leaving their mess and damage throughout the home. She asked me if i could help her get rid of them so for the last few weeks ive been trying humane traps and non lethal ways of catching them releasing the mice outside.

Unfortunately the humane methods were not working and the mouse problem was getting worse and worse and my friend was getting more distressed.

So i purchased some poison from the supermarket.

The mice now seem to have gone and my friend is very grateful but im now racked with guilt. I cant stop myself from thinking about the family of mice i probably killed. I did try and had it been my own home i would have probably gone further down the humane route however my friend was desperate and sacred her babies would get hurt or catch some disease from the mice. I used to feel i was a good person. Now im not so sure.

Did i do the right thing?


There is nothing humane about putting an house mouse out into the cold, they would have died a slower death from the cold and lack of food.


---------- Post added 23-11-2013 at 10:42 ----------


Thank you, i see what you guys are saying. Its just ive never killed anything before.

Its not a nice feeling.


Yes you have, you kill other life forms all the time and you eat some of them.

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