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Coming to terms with killing

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mice / rats you still put poison down !!! cats can eat mice/rats who have eaten poison this can cause a death. this is called secondary poisoning. maybe a bit of research before the decision was made not asking opinions after the fact


Unfortunately secondary poisoning is not something i considered however i now know. Thank you for the information.

Peace and love to you :)

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mice / rats you still put poison down !!! cats can eat mice/rats who have eaten poison this can cause a death. this is called secondary poisoning. maybe a bit of research before the decision was made not asking opinions after the fact






I can understand your anger in your distress at losing your cat to poisoning but to have a go at this guy who was only trying to help and is feeling pretty crappy already is not going to help matters.


I am truly sorry for your loss but Jewboy was not directly responsible for the death of your cat :(

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I can understand your anger in your distress at losing your cat to poisoning but to have a go at this guy who was only trying to help and is feeling pretty crappy already is not going to help matters.


I am truly sorry for your loss but Jewboy was not directly responsible for the death of your cat :(


yes i am very upset and im not having a go or saying it was his fault directly he asked for opinions so this is mine.i was merely saying if this was troubling him so much then he should have looked into it first or refused to do it. simple. if poison wasn't put down then cats / dogs wouldnt die.

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The traps were like a 'No trespassing' sign, they ignored it.


I draw the line at those sticky pads you can buy, but I'd have thought the poison finished them off pretty quick, probably.


Actually and quite amazingly they just took the bait from the traps without setting them off. I sort of laughed when it happened at first, it was something i just didnt expect. When i finally went the poison route i put the poison on the bait in the trap. They took the bait but again left the traps still set.

Yes im hoping the poison finished them very quickly. I would hate to think of them writhing around in pain. People i have spoke to since have said the stuff i got was very fast acting and it would have taken a very short time to act.

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Actually and quite amazingly they just took the bait from the traps without setting them off. I sort of laughed when it happened at first, it was something i just didnt expect. When i finally went the poison route i put the poison on the bait in the trap. They took the bait but again left the traps still set.

Yes im hoping the poison finished them very quickly. I would hate to think of them writhing around in pain. People i have spoke to since have said the stuff i got was very fast acting and it would have taken a very short time to act.


They were stealing the food out of the traps and not being killed by them, they were trying to make a mug of you.

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Im a peaceful man and i like to think i have good values. I do my bit for the community, my neighbours and friends but recently i have had call to question my values and morals into question. I had a call from a distressed friend, some how she had managed to get mice in her house. They were all over it leaving their mess and damage throughout the home. She asked me if i could help her get rid of them so for the last few weeks ive been trying humane traps and non lethal ways of catching them releasing the mice outside.

Unfortunately the humane methods were not working and the mouse problem was getting worse and worse and my friend was getting more distressed.

So i purchased some poison from the supermarket.

The mice now seem to have gone and my friend is very grateful but im now racked with guilt. I cant stop myself from thinking about the family of mice i probably killed. I did try and had it been my own home i would have probably gone further down the humane route however my friend was desperate and sacred her babies would get hurt or catch some disease from the mice. I used to feel i was a good person. Now im not so sure.

Did i do the right thing?

I killed about 6 a few years ago and felt a bit sorry for the mice as i put them into the bin. But i would have felt a lot worse if any of my family had got food poisoning from them peeing and crapping in the food cupboards, eating into cereal boxes etc. so i quickly came to terms with it.




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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mice / rats you still put poison down !!! cats can eat mice/rats who have eaten poison this can cause a death. this is called secondary poisoning. maybe a bit of research before the decision was made not asking opinions after the fact


Best way to avoid that is to mix equal parts flour, sugar, cement, Baking Soda. Mice and rats love it but their digestive system can't cope with it so they die.

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