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Coruption endemic in Britain's ethnic minorities says Attorney General


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Britain has a problem of minority communities, where "corruption is endemic", according to the Attorney General Dominic Grieve.


Politicians need to "wake up" to the problem of corruption in ethnic minority communities, the Government's senior law officer has warned.


Attorney General Dominic Grieve said he was referring "mainly to the Pakistani community" in his comments.


In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community but he said it was a growing problem "because we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic".


"It is something as politicians we have to wake up to," he added.



If this is a problem what should we do about it?

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My immediate reaction is that as an MP, at least he is qualified to comment. The problem is, he's looking in the wrong direction. He needs to look closer to home and then some.


The biggest, most corrupt bunch of people I know of are politicians themselves.


Lying, cheating, distorting the truth. Expenses, marital flings and affairs, a dollar here and a dollar there. Lying to the police, trying to squeeze their way out of receiving points on driving licenses. Not declaring income on tax returns. Manifesto and electoral 'promises' conveniently forgotten or withdrawn. Snouts in troughs or bird houses or villas in foreign countries.


And they are not on their own: they seem to have many bed-fellows with the same corrupt mindsets. Pick up a newspaper today and you'll know precisely what I mean.

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Britain has a problem of minority communities, where "corruption is endemic", according to the Attorney General Dominic Grieve.


Politicians need to "wake up" to the problem of corruption in ethnic minority communities, the Government's senior law officer has warned.


Attorney General Dominic Grieve said he was referring "mainly to the Pakistani community" in his comments.


In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community but he said it was a growing problem "because we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic".


"It is something as politicians we have to wake up to," he added.



If this is a problem what should we do about it?


Are members of parliament now considered an 'ethnic minority'?!

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Britain has a problem of minority communities, where "corruption is endemic", according to the Attorney General Dominic Grieve.


Politicians need to "wake up" to the problem of corruption in ethnic minority communities, the Government's senior law officer has warned.


Attorney General Dominic Grieve said he was referring "mainly to the Pakistani community" in his comments.


In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community but he said it was a growing problem "because we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic".


"It is something as politicians we have to wake up to," he added.



If this is a problem what should we do about it?


For a start the authorities who are meant to deal with it should stop with the PC nonsense and quit being scared of being called racist.


It seems that today if you even point out the wrong doing of someone/group that isn't white british, no matter how factually correct and without prejudice your point is, you're no better than a nazi, racist to the core.

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My immediate reaction is that as an MP, at least he is qualified to comment. The problem is, he's looking in the wrong direction. He needs to look closer to home and then some.


The biggest, most corrupt bunch of people I know of are politicians themselves.


And they are not on their own: they seem to have many bed-fellows with the same corrupt mindsets. Pick up a newspaper today and you'll know precisely what I mean.


Got there before me Ouse.


---------- Post added 23-11-2013 at 10:05 ----------


For a start the authorities who are meant to deal with it should stop with the PC nonsense and quit being scared of being called racist.


It seems that today if you even point out the wrong doing of someone/group that isn't white british, no matter how factually correct and without prejudice your point is, you're no better than a nazi, racist to the core.


Really? It seems this morbid fascination with Asians and Muslims particularly is exempt from your persecution complex.

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Cultures are different around the world. In my travels, Pakistan is by far the most corrupt place and its people seem to take this mentality where ever they go. I tend to think its because as pakistanis they dont have much at home, its a poor country on the whole, they have to take what they can, grab it whilst its available and dont have the luxury of morals.

Its ironic though that an MP should start going on about corruption in others.

Pot and kettle springs to mind.

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Cultures are different around the world. In my travels, Pakistan is by far the most corrupt place and its people seem to take this mentality where ever they go. I tend to think its because as pakistanis they dont have much at home, its a poor country on the whole, they have to take what they can, grab it whilst its available and dont have the luxury of morals.

Its ironic though that an MP should start going on about corruption in others.

Pot and kettle springs to mind.


You do recall they used to say very similar things about the Jewish people?

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You do recall they used to say very similar things about the Jewish people?


No i dont. We have a reputation of being shall we say frugal :hihi:


---------- Post added 23-11-2013 at 10:21 ----------


That's odd I only recall them being considered tight, but I don't have your need to defend the coloured ethnics regardless of facts.


You beat me to it.

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