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Coruption endemic in Britain's ethnic minorities says Attorney General


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I've done business with Pakistanis for over 30 years, I've found them no less or more corrupt than any other group, but since they're far fewer in number the instances of corruption are far less than in the 'British' population.


The accusation by Grieve was about electoral fraud. Unless your business has something to do with elections then I'm not sure it is relevant?


So your contributions are more about deriding multiculturism rather than addressing corruption which you'd previously acknowledged wasn't unique to any particular culture.


I offer mulit-culturalism as an explanation of why unwelcome cultural practices from abroad are now prevalent within certain communities in the UK.


And why do you keep latching onto the unique thing? Does a problem have to be unique to a certain community or group before you can single them out for criticism? Surely a problem that is endemic in one community, and not in others, is justification enough fpr singling them out?


There's plenty to fix, but why do so many people see the 'cutting off your nose to spite your face' strategy as the only means of addressing the problems?


I don't know what you mean by this. How would discouraging people from following different cultures, and encouraging them to embracing ours, hurt us? What would we lose? And please don't say curry and kebabs... we've already cherry picked those and they're here to stay!


Little story for you Zamo...last Thursday I got a minicab to the station. The driver was a young Asian male with the full face beard and shaven head. Oh, my kneejerk prejudices went into full swing.."here's one of them al queda" I thought to myself, so I was immediately predisposed against him based solely on how he looked.


He got out of the cab and helped me with my bags onto the backseat. He was very 'British' in what he spoke about and had a neutral accent. He told me of his young family and being up all night with his baby (whilst wife slept) and how he was taking up a teaching job (English) next term.


Frankly, I was unconvinced by his dialogue and discreetly tested him on what I know about qualifying as a teacher and he answered everything accurately and eloquently-my racist shortcomings were being challenged every time he opened his mouth.


Forgive the long winded account but you see integration is a two way street, if I'd not engaged him I would have made the journey and left his cab sure in the belief he was on the next plane to Pakistan to train in a terror camp.


That's nice but doesn't mean the cultural issues don't exist.

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The accusation by Grieve was about electoral fraud. Unless your business has something to do with elections then I'm not sure it is relevant?
However you and others have broadened the discussion to one about corruption generally, you cant really complain if I address that point specifically.


I am sure that even you must acknowledge that
in some cultures corruption is widespread
and part of everyday life. And we now have millions of people from such cultures in the UK and many have choosen to reject our culture in favour of the culture of the motherland...
hence more corruption in those communities


I offer mulit-culturalism as an explanation of why unwelcome cultural practices from abroad are now prevalent within certain communities in the UK.

Which practices are you referring to and do you have evidence to justify your position?

And why do you keep latching onto the unique thing? Does a problem have to be unique to a certain community or group before you can single them out for criticism? Surely a problem that is endemic in one community, and not in others, is justification enough fpr singling them out?

Because it was a word you introduced to the thread. Ive yet to see evidence that the problem is 'endemic' in one community and not in another.


I tried to help you by pointing to the Rotherham by election where a highly experienced local Pakistani politician was passed over for the shortlist for an inexperienced, outsider with no connection to Rotherham whatsoever..what happened to the 'endemic corruption' and Pakistani influence there, if it existed their boy would at least have made the shortlist.


I don't know what you mean by this. How would discouraging people from following different cultures, and encouraging them to embracing ours, hurt us? What would we lose? And please don't say curry and kebabs... we've already cherry picked those and they're here to stay!

You're at it again, asking a question and then proposing an answer. There's evidence all around of people 'embracing our culture', bugger me the poster you're in dialogue with has done just that!


That's nice but doesn't mean the cultural issues don't exist.

I never suggested they don't and said so in my post. But hey there's cultural differences between Wednesday fans and United ones, Catholics and Protestants, rich and poor and evidently clever and stupid, it's what makes the world go round ;)
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I never suggested they don't and said so in my post. But hey there's cultural differences between Wednesday fans and United ones, Catholics and Protestants, rich and poor and evidently clever and stupid, it's what makes the world go round ;)


Exactly...........culture is what people like to do,what they enjoy doing,are we going to force people to like drinking beer,go to a cricket match or sit on a beach with a hanky on their heads.......there are lots of british that don't like doing that,are they going to be forced to like doing that too?.........are white british kids who talk like black people going to be forced to stop doing that because it isn't british culture?

Will they have to like british music,not worldmusic,latin american or rap because none of them are british culture,and will that apply to british people who only like those kinds of music but not british music because its not british culture?........the whole idea is absurd.

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Which practices are you referring to and do you have evidence to justify your position?


It's like groundhog day.


My issues with Muslim culture are that it consistently breeds extremism, oppression and violent intolerance. The evidence can be seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Saudi, Somalia etc, etc.


If people from those countries come here and follow their culture instead of ours then why would we expect a different contribution?


Because it was a word you introduced to the thread. Ive yet to see evidence that the problem is 'endemic' in one community and not in another.


Postal vote rigging is the many type of electoral corruptions. If you go google it then you'll see from which community it mainly comes.


But hey there's cultural differences between Wednesday fans and United ones, Catholics and Protestants, rich and poor and evidently clever and stupid, it's what makes the world go round ;)


It would be hard to spot significant cultural differences between Wednesday and United fans or Catholics or Protestants.

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Exactly...........culture is what people like to do,what they enjoy doing,are we going to force people to like drinking beer,go to a cricket match or sit on a beach with a hanky on their heads.......there are lots of british that don't like doing that,are they going to be forced to like doing that too?.........are white british kids who talk like black people going to be forced to stop doing that because it isn't british culture?

Will they have to like british music,not worldmusic,latin american or rap because none of them are british culture,and will that apply to british people who only like those kinds of music but not british music because its not british culture?........the whole idea is absurd.


I think complying with British law would suffice. So corruption, grooming, forced marriage mutilating women etc are out. The knotted hanky is optional.

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Exactly...........culture is what people like to do,what they enjoy doing,are we going to force people to like drinking beer,go to a cricket match or sit on a beach with a hanky on their heads.......there are lots of british that don't like doing that,are they going to be forced to like doing that too?.........are white british kids who talk like black people going to be forced to stop doing that because it isn't british culture?

Will they have to like british music,not worldmusic,latin american or rap because none of them are british culture,and will that apply to british people who only like those kinds of music but not british music because its not british culture?........the whole idea is absurd.


Cultures change but the trick is to improve them and not make them worse. We embracing aspects of different music, fashions, language and foods from other cultures because they enrich us and we want them. What people won't accept are negative aspects of foreign cultures being forced on them e.g. electoral corruption and threat from extremism. That would be absurd.

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It's like groundhog day.
Quite true.

My issues with Muslim culture are that it consistently breeds extremism, oppression and violent intolerance. The evidence can be seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Saudi, Somalia etc, etc.

BUt we're living in the United Kingdom with laws and rules which support our way of life.

If people from those countries come here and follow their culture instead of ours then why would we expect a different contribution?

In saying that youre making the huge assumption that people who come from one country all follow the same philosophy, they might leave those countries to come here because they dont like the extremist one.



Postal vote rigging is the many type of electoral corruptions. If you go google it then you'll see from which community it mainly comes.

Easy to address (no ones saying it shouldnt be), and easy to put into perspective- given the total number of votes cast.



It would be hard to spot significant cultural differences between Wednesday and United fans or Catholics or Protestants.

However the one difference between them is the huge difference between them.
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What people won't accept are negative aspects of foreign cultures being forced on them e.g. electoral corruption and threat from extremism. That would be absurd.


It can't be forced........there are laws to stop it being forced,and having foreign cultures being forced on us is completely different to having foreigners abandon their cultures to follow British culture,this is the point under discussion now.

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