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Coruption endemic in Britain's ethnic minorities says Attorney General


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What laws stop the anti-social cultural practice of the Roma in Page Hall from impacting on the lives of residents? Do they have a choice?





How long is a piece of string?.......as far as i can read there are loads,anti-social,dropping litter,gatherings of large groups,indecency,parking,driving,noise....and they are just off the top of my head,if the authorities are not going to enforce existing laws to a zero tolerance level,some people will always take advantage,be it roma or anyone else.

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But our laws and rules do not shape us.
Of course they do, I remember a time when if you were caught drink driving you were regarded as unlucky, my adult children regard them as pariahs. The same can be said of the smoking ban, at the time it was controversial, seeing someone smoking now for me is odd.

What shapes us is the nurturing we receive in the community in which we live. And the nurturing of Islamic culture, time and time again, produces dysfunctional societies plagued by violent extremism and violence. And we are experiencing those issues here in the UK because they are retaining the culture. The only reason it is not as bad as in Muslim countries is because they are still a minority... but every year they become less of a minority so we need to act.

Thanks for that compelling, yet unproven account of social development of Muslims in this country.

Our laws are a product of our culture not the other way around.

and long may they continue to be.



I am sure they do leave to escape extremism and poverty that they would like to remain behind. What they appear not to realise/accept is that what they fleed was a product of their culure... which is why we are not so keen on it here.

You are aware that not all Muslims satisfy your narrow stereotype and occupy all the social, professional and economic classes, you might be surprised to learn most are just like you and me.


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 19:39 ----------


It's no more racist than saying a follower of the Westbury Baptist Church are more predisposed towards homophobia. I doubt you'd be called Westburyphobic for it.


However the more accurate analogy would be to declare all Christians are homophobic because of the activity of the extremists in the Westboro Baptists, then you'd see the **** hit the fan.

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Of course they do, I remember a time when if you were caught drink driving you were regarded as unlucky, my adult children regard them as pariahs. The same can be said of the smoking ban, at the time it was controversial, seeing someone smoking now for me is odd.


Yes but what came first - the shift in culture or the law? Without the shift in culture you don't get laws passed.


Thanks for that compelling, yet unproven account of social development of Muslims in this country.


It wasn't an account of the social development of Muslims in this country but in Muslims countries... where better to study the results of their cultural practices?


You keep saying that it will be different this time and in this country but I don't think it will be unless their culture changes significantly. And at the end of the day why take the chance - isn't it better to manage the risk?



You are aware that not all Muslims satisfy your narrow stereotype and occupy all the social, professional and economic classes, you might be surprised to learn most are just like you and me.


I know a number of Muslim who are just like me in that they do the same sort of work, have a similar good income and live comfortably. Each one has managed to integrate whilst maintaining their faith and that is the way to go. But there are not enough of them.


However the more accurate analogy would be to declare all Christians are homophobic because of the activity of the extremists in the Westboro Baptists, then you'd see the **** hit the fan.


Declaring all Christians to be homophobic would clearly be inaccurate. But declaring Christianity to be homophobic would be true because they clearly have issues accepting it.


Declaring all police officers as racist would also clearly be inaccurate. But it never stoped the service itself being labelled as instituational racist.


Collective responsibility goes with the territory of group membership.

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Those ethnics just are so corrupt, attempting to dare to imitate the banks, that have a monopoly on corruption with their bedfellows the corporate sector. One cannot have upstarts trying to get a foot in the door, leave it to the professional.


I say string em up, its the only language they understand, and also help those ethnic groups to learn a bit more about how professional corruption works.

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That's deliberately missing the point. The point is that Pakistan is a far more corrupt place than the UK. We would prefer to keep our levels of crime falling rather than have folks arriving with their own values and have them increase.


Steady on. We have a full on press/ police/ Government corruption scandal of our own brewing very nicely thank you.


Or did you miss the one about the Prime Minister, the horse riding companion and the Director of Communications?

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'Pakistan is by far the most corrupt place".....................I would put my money on Nigeria!


You can find out. Transparency International do a study each year called the Corruption Perceptions Index, which gives each country a ranking. Pakistan is pretty bad, on a par with Nigeria, though the few countries which come out much worse show you how low a par they're at: Afghanistan, Somalia, Chad, Sudan, DRC, Saudi Arabia, etc.

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You can find out. Transparency International do a study each year called the Corruption Perceptions Index, which gives each country a ranking. Pakistan is pretty bad, on a par with Nigeria, though the few countries which come out much worse show you how low a par they're at: Afghanistan, Somalia, Chad, Sudan, DRC, Saudi Arabia, etc.

The problem with perceptions is they may or may not reflect the true facts.

just look at the perception of crime and the 'official' crime figures.

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