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Coruption endemic in Britain's ethnic minorities says Attorney General


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My immediate reaction is that as an MP, at least he is qualified to comment. The problem is, he's looking in the wrong direction. He needs to look closer to home and then some.


The biggest, most corrupt bunch of people I know of are politicians themselves.


Lying, cheating, distorting the truth. Expenses, marital flings and affairs, a dollar here and a dollar there. Lying to the police, trying to squeeze their way out of receiving points on driving licenses. Not declaring income on tax returns. Manifesto and electoral 'promises' conveniently forgotten or withdrawn. Snouts in troughs or bird houses or villas in foreign countries.


And they are not on their own: they seem to have many bed-fellows with the same corrupt mindsets. Pick up a newspaper today and you'll know precisely what I mean.

Could not agree more.By the way which newspaper do you recommend ,perhaps a Murdock one,on second thoughts dont bother.How about a bank could you recommend a non corrupt bank er dont bother.Its about time the police got a grip of all corruption,Thats if you can find a police force that is not pocketing money from the likes of the News of the world or its sister papers Im sure that can not be impossible can it?

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So most people in the UK are from ethnic minorities? The way I see it swindling in the UK in endemic in most people at some point in their lives, some of which and I suspect the lower proportion, are from ethnic minorities. A public opinion story if ever I saw one.

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Yes I did enjoy my 'holiday', at least it demonstrates to the oiks here that the moderators do not favour certain posters :)


Well actually it doesn't. I frequently don't post on the forum for days, weeks even months on end. So just because you missed a day or two doesn't demonstrate to the oiks that you were banned. It did occur to me that you might have other interests like a day out with the family, but clearly that didn't occur to you. :hihi::hihi:

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Well actually it doesn't. I frequently don't post on the forum for days, weeks even months on end. So just because you missed a day or two doesn't demonstrate to the oiks that you were banned. It did occur to me that you might have other interests like a day out with the family, but clearly that didn't occur to you. :hihi::hihi:

if you notice somebodys gone for a while you can check if theyre banned or not, so............

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Well actually it doesn't. I frequently don't post on the forum for days, weeks even months on end. So just because you missed a day or two doesn't demonstrate to the oiks that you were banned. It did occur to me that you might have other interests like a day out with the family, but clearly that didn't occur to you. :hihi::hihi:


You should become acquainted with the smartphone or tablet, you needn't be separated from your favourite redneck sites whilst sipping mint juleps on your sunseeker ;)

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In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community


So different communities are as bad as each other then whether they are migrants or not,Whats the mountain being created for by what he has said?.........seems to me that one part of what he is saying has been seized upon to create controversy,and the part which he said above is being ignored because it's not controversial enough and doesn't illustrate the agenda that some people want to forward.

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In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community


So different communities are as bad as each other then whether they are migrants or not,Whats the mountain being created for by what he has said?.........seems to me that one part of what he is saying has been seized upon to create controversy,and the part which he said above is being ignored because it's not controversial enough and doesn't illustrate the agenda that some people want to forward.

exactly, the right wing ALWAYS deal in mistruths and half truths, to cause disharmony, mistrust and hatred between communities

why tell the full story when half the story does what you need?

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In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community


So different communities are as bad as each other then whether they are migrants or not,Whats the mountain being created for by what he has said?.........seems to me that one part of what he is saying has been seized upon to create controversy,and the part which he said above is being ignored because it's not controversial enough and doesn't illustrate the agenda that some people want to forward.


He actually said the Pakistani community come from a society where corruption is endemic, but if you need to gloss over that you can. It just doesn't alter the facts.



Politicians need to "wake up" to the problem of corruption in ethnic minority communities, the Government's senior law officer has warned.


Attorney General Dominic Grieve said he was referring "mainly to the Pakistani community" in his comments.


In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community but he said it was a growing problem "because we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic".


"It is something as politicians we have to wake up to," he added.


The MP for Beaconsfield said: "I can see many of them have come because of the opportunities that they get. But they also come from societies where they have been brought up to believe you can only get certain things through a favour culture.


"One of the things you have to make absolutely clear is that that is not the case and it's not acceptable."


Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community in his remarks, Mr Grieve told the newspaper: "Yes, it's mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn't draw it down to one. I'd be wary of saying it's just a Pakistani problem.""

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You should become acquainted with the smartphone or tablet, you needn't be separated from your favourite redneck sites whilst sipping mint juleps on your sunseeker ;)




In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, the Tory MP pointed out that it could also be found in the "white Anglo-Saxon" community


So different communities are as bad as each other then whether they are migrants or not,Whats the mountain being created for by what he has said?.........seems to me that one part of what he is saying has been seized upon to create controversy,and the part which he said above is being ignored because it's not controversial enough and doesn't illustrate the agenda that some people want to forward.


He preempted the obvious (distraction) response with the qualifier that corruption obviously occurs in all culture. However that doesn't change the fact that corruption is rife in Pakistani culture and it goes unchallenged in this country for fear of the the racism label.

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Cultures are different around the world. In my travels, Pakistan is by far the most corrupt place....


In 2012 Pakistan wasn't that close to being the most corrupt country in the world. It was 139th of 176.




This week a former MP admitted to false accounting. Denis MacShane is Jewish. You should be careful about stereotyping people.

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