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Coruption endemic in Britain's ethnic minorities says Attorney General


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He preempted the obvious (distraction) response with the qualifier that corruption obviously occurs in all culture. However that doesn't change the fact that corruption is rife in Pakistani culture and it goes unchallenged in this country for fear of the the racism label.


All societies eat but Americans eat more. All societies have corruption but in Pakistan it is endemic.

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He preempted the obvious (distraction) response with the qualifier that corruption obviously occurs in all culture.

Sorry but why have you quoted my post in your response?


However that doesn't change the fact that corruption is rife in Pakistani culture and it goes unchallenged in this country for fear of the the racism label.


Since the biggest scandal in politics in recent history has come from British politicians themselves (of all racial persuasions), it seems a little disingenuous to highlight the wrongdoing in some specifically.


Yes Damian we already know there are bent Pakistanis and from every society including your fellow parliamentarians, in fact you could have avoided controversy all together by committing to tackle corruption in politics and public life generally..that would catch the Pakistanis who do it too.


Tell me Zamo you seem a little obsessed with this 'racism label' thing, I've yet to see anyone discouraged from voicing their opinions about Muslims, Asians and Pakistanis because of it, don't you think such overused bleatings also have the power to devalue relevant contributions on both sides of the debate.

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Also he has an agenda. Pretty much like I said in my original post, as soon as a minority is mentioned, out comes the race card and apparently when I say minority that automatically means "Asians and Muslims". Seemingly Boyfriday thinks that these are the only minorities.



I agree..

Take a look at posts 3-4-5 on the pakistan city under curfew thread..

Those 3 posters are quicker out of their blocks than olympic sprinters...


---------- Post added 23-11-2013 at 13:32 ----------


exactly, the right wing ALWAYS deal in mistruths and half truths, to cause disharmony, mistrust and hatred between communities

why tell the full story when half the story does what you need?


And the left don't?

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I agree..

Take a look at posts 3-4-5 on the pakistan city under curfew thread..

Those 3 posters are quicker out of their blocks than olympic sprinters...

Well I've no interest in the solitary pastime of metal detecting so my contributions to your posts this morning would have been unhelpful.


Having said that you might find this resource extremely useful-



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Sorry but why have you quoted my post in your response?


Slip of the curse. Apologies, I meant to quote Mel.


Since the biggest scandal in politics in recent history has come from British politicians themselves (of all racial persuasions), it seems a little disingenuous to highlight the wrongdoing in some specifically.


Yes Damian we already know there are bent Pakistanis and from every society including your fellow parliamentarians, in fact you could have avoided controversy all together by committing to tackle corruption in politics and public life generally..that would catch the Pakistanis who do it too.


Tell me Zamo you seem a little obsessed with this 'racism label' thing, I've yet to see anyone discouraged from voicing their opinions about Muslims, Asians and Pakistanis because of it, don't you think such overused bleatings also have the power to devalue relevant contributions on both sides of the debate.


The 'racism label' is what Grieve eluded to when he accused politicians of avoiding the issue. He is basically saying that they are scared to acknowledge the issue, let alone do something about it, because of the accusation that will be slung. Isn't that what would happen?


As for the double standards of politicians... yes that is true. But, again, it doesn't mean the corruption isn't more prevalent in Pakistani culture because it is.

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My immediate reaction is that as an MP, at least he is qualified to comment. The problem is, he's looking in the wrong direction. He needs to look closer to home and then some.


The biggest, most corrupt bunch of people I know of are politicians themselves.


Lying, cheating, distorting the truth. Expenses, marital flings and affairs, a dollar here and a dollar there. Lying to the police, trying to squeeze their way out of receiving points on driving licenses. Not declaring income on tax returns. Manifesto and electoral 'promises' conveniently forgotten or withdrawn. Snouts in troughs or bird houses or villas in foreign countries.


And they are not on their own: they seem to have many bed-fellows with the same corrupt mindsets. Pick up a newspaper today and you'll know precisely what I mean.

Another. Letting your girlfriend use your rail pass.

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The 'racism label' is what Grieve eluded to when he accused politicians of avoiding the issue. He is basically saying that they are scared to acknowledge the issue, let alone do something about it, because of the accusation that will be slung. Isn't that what would happen?
I tihnk the more likely accusation is one of crass double standards. They can hardly throw accusations of corrpution around which are directed specifically at one community when they themselves are the most corrupt group of employees anywhere in the country. Yes, let's stamp out corruption but let's not demonise one particular community in doing so.

As for the double standards of politicians... yes that is true. But, again, it doesn't mean the corruption isn't more prevalent in Pakistani culture because it is.

Whether it is or it isn't we don't need special measures targeted at Pakistanis to combat it, that was my point.


If you keep the stable door closed it will stop all the delinquent horses from bolting without having to say it's the dappled mares which have a particular propensity towards it.

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I tihnk the more likely accusation is one of crass double standards. They can hardly throw accusations of corrpution around which are directed specifically at one community when they themselves are the most corrupt group of employees anywhere in the country. Yes, let's stamp out corruption but let's not demonise one particular community in doing so.

Whether it is or it isn't we don't need special measures targeted at Pakistanis to combat it, that was my point.


It isn't MPs that are making the accusation. It is the Attorney General who happens to be an MP and as far as I'm aware hasn't been accused of criminal activity. Perhaps you overlooked that fact in your desperate attempt to deflect criticism away from your chosen race.


Perhaps rather than your usual attempts to deflect criticism it might be an idea to actually consider why the guy made his statement. Perhaps he did it because it is actually true.

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