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Do you want to know your DNA?

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I wouldn't want to know if I was likely to die of a heart attack or whatever or when I was going to die.


What's the point in that? My old man has had every condition under the sun, diabetes, cancer, strokes, transplants...I don't worry about getting any of them, even though I'm likely to.

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There's more to people than their DNA. Your genes may indicate 75% chance of early heart failure, or whatever, but you might still live a long healthy life due to other factors. Knowing your DNA might cast an unnecessary shadow over your life. The film Gattaca is brilliant on this topic.

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There's more to people than their DNA. Your genes may indicate 75% chance of early heart failure, or whatever, but you might still live a long healthy life due to other factors. Knowing your DNA might cast an unnecessary shadow over your life. The film Gattaca is brilliant on this topic.


Definitely, I read news pieces all the time about people from the 1800s who live 'til they're like 90 or whatever.


It's like 90% genes and 10% lifestyle I'd say and you're playing a dangerous game trying to figure out your own mortality. Leave it alone, stop measuring it.

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Several of our family suffer from cardiac conditions. Mine was vaguely known about in 1960, but not really treatable by the methods of that day.

We have been offered the opportunity to take part in a DNA study, which may have no useful result; on the other hand, it may identify a specific DNA sequence, for which future children of the family could be tested early, and lifestyle advice given along possibly with medication to retard the development of the condition, It won't benefit me, but might help my great-grandchildren and their descendants.

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