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Should we be backing Assad in the Syrian conflict.


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At what point does conflict become necessary? I'm reminded of the movie "The Green Berets" when a news reporter asked John Wayne why the US was getting invloved in other peoples' wars. (Vietnam). John Wayne pointed out that it was no longer a war between the Vietnamese people because the communists were being aided by other communist countries. Here's a thought would Russia and China support Assad if the US wasn't involved? Do the US and Western governments only want to attack Assad because he is supported by Russia and China?

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Assad is providing a very good meat grinder that is sucking in the Islamic nut jobs from around the globe. The more of them that sacrifice themselves for the greater glory of their god the less there are to blow up buses and planes in the rest of the world.


The only problem is they will all be called martyrs and what with kids tv shows glorifying such terrorist acts such as seen in the Palestinian controlled areas for each islamic nut job that dies another pops up.

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