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Advice on alleged parking incident.


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Someone left a note on our car saying the driver had 'scraped' his when parking and he wanted it 'fixing'. I contacted him via text last night and asked for a photo and gave my email address. I said I would discuss it with the person driving at the time and get back to him. He sent a photo to my phone (which shows nothing) and I have yet to receive an email. The 'scrape' is allegedly on the back bumper near the number plate.


This morning I get a phone call from a police station. The guy has gone in to report the incident. I was passed on to him by the police person who called me and I gave him my insurance details as suggested by the police. The person driving the car at the time, who I have no reason to doubt, says they may have 'touched' the car when parking but not enough to cause any damage. I can't imagine the insurance company being interested in this but I don't want someone trying it on.

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It is all good business for the insurance company, they are not interested in you.


I once got called by a lawyer who said that my car had been involved in a traffic accident in London and then told me all about the location and gave me the registration of my vehicle. their client wanted my insurance details etc..


Anyhow I hadn't been to London at that time and I quickly realised that the Registration number was not my car. It was my Motorcycle and the furthest south it had been in the last ten years was Peterborough.


The Lawyer apologised and admitted that there must have been a mistake. Reassured, I forgot about it.

... Until I got my insurance renewal, that stated I had been in an accident which was 50-50 blame. I wrote to the insurance immediately and said this was false and I could provide forensically watertight evidence that I was 180 miles away at my normal place of work at the time. I did not want to call them on the telephone again, because the only number available was a premium rate one, which goes through a lengthy sequence of options before leaving you in a queue for 40 minutes.

I got no replies and eventually just cancelled my insurance and took out another one, stating that I have full no claims, as I had never had an accident in the last 15 years.

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Err you probably shouldn't have done that, your current policy is invalid.


because you don't have full no claims and you have got an accident on your file.

Just because the insurer screwed the pooch, doesn't mean you can just walk away un-scathed.


You need to contact that insurer again, and get it sorted out.


You also need to think about contacting the ombudsman.

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Err you probably shouldn't have done that, your current policy is invalid.


because you don't have full no claims and you have got an accident on your file.

Just because the insurer screwed the pooch, doesn't mean you can just walk away un-scathed.


You need to contact that insurer again, and get it sorted out.


You also need to think about contacting the ombudsman.


You may want to rethink that - i've just had negotiations with my brokers who advised me that due to an incident i've lost my no claims bonus. As i've made no claim they are incorrect and told them so and that i wouldn't be using their brokerage firm again,i then contacted the insurer (Covea) directly who assure me i have the no claims bonus i am entitled to and have emailed me the NCB for my new insurance company.


I did report an incident but no one has claimed for anything on my policy.

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Well I know I wouldn't ignore it, regardless of the technicalities it needs to be sorted before it becomes a problem.


The bottom line is MuddyCoffee is entitled to all his no claims, and has not had an accident.

but his previous insurers dropped the ball and think he has had a crash - clearly that needs to be sorted out.

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Well I know I wouldn't ignore it, regardless of the technicalities it needs to be sorted before it becomes a problem.


The bottom line is MuddyCoffee is entitled to all his no claims, and has not had an accident.

but his previous insurers dropped the ball and think he has had a crash - clearly that needs to be sorted out.


All this was a few years ago incidentally. And it just goes to show how disorganised insurance companies are. basically holding motorists to ransom.

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