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The Snow Show - consider carefully


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If your children have been really naughty all year, don't tell on them to Santa. Take them to the Lyceum instead to see the Snow Show. They'll never give you any trouble again after sitting through it.

I spent £120 of hard-earned cash to watch this rubbish, or at least the beginning of it. That was before we and others walked out.

If your idea of entertainment is watching a talentless Spaniard wearing flippers mutely perform a series of slow-motion gestures, this show is for you.

For everyone else it will be a travesty and a waste of money.

Sheffield Theatres really ought to be ashamed for staging this kind of third-rate Eurotrash, but sadly their idea of customer care is somewhat lacking.

I took my tickets straight to the box office and asked for a refund but received the expected brush-off.

My 8 and 12 year olds had been looking forward to the show, but had had enough within 20 minutes. To cap it all, my youngest cut her lip on a loose strand of fabric being passed over the heads of the audience. The box office were not interested.

If this was any other business, someone would have to answer for a defective product and misleading the public with advertising (It described the show as ''simply thrilling").

If you've bought tickets already, get a refund now or be prepared to join the kind of pre-interval exodus that we were part of. You have Been warned!

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So YOU did not like it. Big deal. Dont go to it again. Clearly plenty of other people love it or it would not have been on tour year after year.


What possibly makes you think you were entitled to a refund??? You were there at the performance watching it. If I see a movie I dont like - do I have a right to demand a refund? I dont think so. Grow up.


Same goes for your rants about customer care. Never read such nonsense. They offer a show. YOU choose to go to it. Since when did Sheffield Theares have to pander to YOUR personal tastes only. :loopy:


Maybe if you had stayed to end rather than being childish and giving up 20 minutes you might have got the full experience.


BTW, it was a critic of the Independant newspaper who said it was "simply thrilling" so maybe you should go have a rant at them.


The only thing in your entire post worth quibbling about was your daughter incurring an injury to her lip. Now if it was a serious incident that required medical attention then the theatre should have provided every assistance needed and ensured it did not happen again. However, can you prove negligence? Can you prove the fabric or material was a hazard? Can you prove that your daughter was properly supervised during this part of the performance to take all reasonable steps to prevent the injury occurring? Has there been any other similar incidents or hazards occurring in the last 12 months.... no... oh well never mind.

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If your children have been really naughty all year, don't tell on them to Santa. Take them to the Lyceum instead to see the Snow Show. They'll never give you any trouble again after sitting through it.

I spent £120 of hard-earned cash to watch this rubbish, or at least the beginning of it. That was before we and others walked out.

If your idea of entertainment is watching a talentless Spaniard wearing flippers mutely perform a series of slow-motion gestures, this show is for you.

For everyone else it will be a travesty and a waste of money.

Sheffield Theatres really ought to be ashamed for staging this kind of third-rate Eurotrash, but sadly their idea of customer care is somewhat lacking.

I took my tickets straight to the box office and asked for a refund but received the expected brush-off.

My 8 and 12 year olds had been looking forward to the show, but had had enough within 20 minutes. To cap it all, my youngest cut her lip on a loose strand of fabric being passed over the heads of the audience. The box office were not interested.

If this was any other business, someone would have to answer for a defective product and misleading the public with advertising (It described the show as ''simply thrilling").

If you've bought tickets already, get a refund now or be prepared to join the kind of pre-interval exodus that we were part of. You have Been warned!


How on earth did she manage to cut her lip on a loose strand of fabric,Was she trying to eat it,was it pushed into her mouth,just sounds strange.

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So YOU did not like it. Big deal. Dont go to it again. Clearly plenty of other people love it or it would not have been on tour year after year.


What possibly makes you think you were entitled to a refund??? You were there at the performance watching it. If I see a movie I dont like - do I have a right to demand a refund? I dont think so. Grow up.


Same goes for your rants about customer care. Never read such nonsense. They offer a show. YOU choose to go to it. Since when did Sheffield Theares have to pander to YOUR personal tastes only. :loopy:


Maybe if you had stayed to end rather than being childish and giving up 20 minutes you might have got the full experience.


BTW, it was a critic of the Independant newspaper who said it was "simply thrilling" so maybe you should go have a rant at them.


The only thing in your entire post worth quibbling about was your daughter incurring an injury to her lip. Now if it was a serious incident that required medical attention then the theatre should have provided every assistance needed and ensured it did not happen again. However, can you prove negligence? Can you prove the fabric or material was a hazard? Can you prove that your daughter was properly supervised during this part of the performance to take all reasonable steps to prevent the injury occurring? Has there been any other similar incidents or hazards occurring in the last 12 months.... no... oh well never mind.


That sounded to me like a last desperate attempt to salvage something from the evening having been refused a refund."I know,we'll use the child to try to get some compo!" Shame they didn't offer free tickets for a future performance!

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If it had been serious, I would have made an issue of it. It was minor, but enough to upset an 8-year-old. So don't sit in judgement on my alleged motives please. I expected the brush off and they duly delivered. But the point was made.

If anything good comes out of this correspondence, it will be that it might save other families wasting their money.

And as far as it being just me who didn't like it - I counted at least a dozen who voted with their feet.. And why not read the masses of scathing reviews on the likes of TRipadvisor before calling me a liar?

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I spent nearly 90 quid on the hype monster of Walking With Dinosaurs. Was rather average if I'm honest. Boring story which made watching paint dry seem exciting. I won't make the same mistake again. These shows are stupidly hyped and prices are too much.


Someone I knew brought an Article Monkeys ticket for the going rate then sold it for 500!!! Would I really pay that to watch a concert for 3 hours?


Thanks for warning I won't bother lol.

So it's the Punch and Judy show from now on. I bought a few from a charity shop. Hide behind sofa and make the story up. Entertainment for nowt :hihi:

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wow, was looking forward to reading that everyone enjoyed it, i was mesmerised and found it really enjoyable,

when the shark comes on stage i was laughing my cotten socks off.

did you stay for when they came into the auience ?

water showers from the bottles n brollies


i suppose its a bit like opera, my father took me once when i was a child had no idea what they where saying but i go now as often as i can,


horses for courses as the saying go's

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You're entitled to your opinion Pete and genuinely glad that you enjoyed it. But I agree with the person who found it disturbing. I find it hard to believe that they would have two men putting their heads in nooses at the beginning of a so-called family show.

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