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The Snow Show - consider carefully


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If your children have been really naughty all year, don't tell on them to Santa. Take them to the Lyceum instead to see the Snow Show. They'll never give you any trouble again after sitting through it.

I spent £120 of hard-earned cash to watch this rubbish, or at least the beginning of it. That was before we and others walked out.

If your idea of entertainment is watching a talentless Spaniard wearing flippers mutely perform a series of slow-motion gestures, this show is for you.

For everyone else it will be a travesty and a waste of money.

Sheffield Theatres really ought to be ashamed for staging this kind of third-rate Eurotrash, but sadly their idea of customer care is somewhat lacking.

I took my tickets straight to the box office and asked for a refund but received the expected brush-off.

My 8 and 12 year olds had been looking forward to the show, but had had enough within 20 minutes. To cap it all, my youngest cut her lip on a loose strand of fabric being passed over the heads of the audience. The box office were not interested.

If this was any other business, someone would have to answer for a defective product and misleading the public with advertising (It described the show as ''simply thrilling").

If you've bought tickets already, get a refund now or be prepared to join the kind of pre-interval exodus that we were part of. You have Been warned!


I have to say I went last Saturday with my partner and Mother and we didn't know what to expect but thought it was good fun, slightly dark in the first half so might be a little scary for young children. However, the characters were fantastic and funny and the snow show an interesting twist the second half is better I would say and quite artistic in some parts... I would recommend it and when we where there the theatre was packed full from start to finish so clearly all enjoyed enough not to want to leave...

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I went to the opening night of this show and thought it was great. Clowns are in danger of being a lost art I think.


If you left early, you missed the highlight of the show as far as children are concerned, the snow and balls at the end.


I thought it was superbly put together and enjoyed every minute of it.

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