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Migraines - Do you know a cure for them?

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I haven't found any easy solution to migraines unfortunately. I get clusters of anything up to 7 or 8 attacks within 2 - 3 weeks, then I will go for a few months without any. I have been prescribed Immigran, which is excellent at stopping the visual disturbance and surpressing the pain, but I find it makes the nausea/vomitting much worse, and I have other strong side effects like dizziness, and weakness, which mean I still can't leave my house.


My Gp advised me that Immigran can be taken with paracetemol as well, so I usually take it in conjunction with Migraleve Pink or Yellow - which are available at the chemist without prescription. Sometimes this helps to surpress the nausea, but not always, so I am going back to the GP tomorrow as I am still finding that I have to spend a day in the dark to really get over them. He did mention he might prescribe anti-sickness pills to counter-act the side effects of the immigran.


Even with the prescription medicine though I find that my head still feels 'foggy' for at least a couple of days afterwards - by which time my next migraine is usually coming along!

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I suffer too and have just had over 10 days of on-off pain in the neck and head and general malaise. I don't like to take medication if I can help it. Doc prescribed some tabs a couple of years ago Sanomigrin I think but they were expensive. I don't know what brings mine on - too much stress I guess!

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I have suffered with migraines for years and even been hospitalised as they got so bad at one point. Had numerous brain scans etc but allto no avail (they just couldn't find a brain!!)


Now I take a combination of stuff that just about sees me through. As soon as I get a warning, in my case my left eye waters and the back of my neck/head aches and I feel a bit spacey, I take :


1 Imipramine

2 paracetamol

1 strong Ibuprofen

2 Clopromazine (sp?) for the sickness


These are to be taken with a drink of cold water then followed by a warm drink (not hot tea or coffee, just warm squash etc) and something light like an orange. During a migraine attack, your digestive system shuts down so often the mediaction just sits in your stomach and has no effect. Taking it in this way and as soon as you feel it coming on, helps the medication digest fully so it can work properly. believe me, it does make a difference.


I also have a wheat, peppermint and chamomile bag that I keep in the freezer. I lay in a dark, silent room and place it over my eyes for 10 minutes then at the back of my neck for the same. I usually drift off to sleep with it over my eyes as the coolness and pressure really helps me.

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Originally posted by cgksheff

Co-proxamol is in the process of being withdrawn from use in the UK.



the last time i visited my doctor a couple of weeks ago he told me that they might be continuing with co-proxamol and he gave me a repeat prescription for some , it seems as though they are many people what need them that they could be a rethink about withdrawing them .
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Migraleive is a good one, especially if you get the 'aura' that warns you you're going to get one and can take the preventative tablets in time.


Feverfew is something I've tried - had to eat the stuff in a sandwich though!


Best bet is to avoid the triggers - the c's Caffeine, Chocolate, Claret (red wine) and Cheese in most people. Also stress that causes neck tension can give rise to a cluster type headache which goes to migraine. I used to find my triggered by getting too hot and bothered. Dehydration / alcohol doesn't help, either!



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Originally posted by Twiglet

There are also preventative medications. I used to suffer terrible migraines normally twice a week, but since I started taking beta blockers for an unrelated heart condition a year ago I've only had 2.



I had those for a while ... Propranalol (sp?). They gave me awful nightmares and I was halucinating whilst I was awake, seeing awfull creatures and the walls cracking and falling in on me. I was so terrified that I had to stop taking them.

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The Doctor said my migraines are hormonal but I think lack of sleep and stress sometimes triggers it off. They start with the flashing lights in the corners of my eyes then pins & needles & numbness in my arm. My speech is effected to, my brain seems to know what I want to say but I say everything back to front & muddled.

Migraleve work if taken early but I can never remember which colour tablet to take 1st and have to get some one to read the packet for me because of the flashing lights.

It’s not so much the horrid head ache that follows it’s the stroke like symptoms that frighten me

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Originally posted by FetishFairy



These are to be taken with a drink of cold water then followed by a warm drink (not hot tea or coffee, just warm squash etc) and something light like an orange. During a migraine attack, your digestive system shuts down so often the mediaction just sits in your stomach and has no effect. Taking it in this way and as soon as you feel it coming on, helps the medication digest fully so it can work properly. believe me, it does make a difference.


I've also been advised that taking medication with a fizzy drink during a migraine attack can help get it into your system that bit faster, and I always find that the sugar hit helps as well. If you have really bad nausea with migraines like I do, wafer tablets such as Maxalt Melt (prescription only triptan) are marvellous because they totally bypass the stomach and melt on your tongue. I also have sumatriptan injections for particularly bad attacks but usually have to spend 20 minutes working up the guts to stab myself!

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