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Migraines - Do you know a cure for them?

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Originally posted by FetishFairy

I had those for a while ... Propranalol (sp?). They gave me awful nightmares and I was halucinating whilst I was awake, seeing awfull creatures and the walls cracking and falling in on me. I was so terrified that I had to stop taking them.


eek that sounds unpleasant! But I'm taking some that are much more cardiac specific because I'm asthmatic (beta blockers and asthma apparently don't mix too well). Before they found out I was asthmatic I was taking Atenolol which also didn't cause me any side effects (apart from the odd blue hands every so often which I can live with, its a cool party trick). Atenolol also seemed to eliminate my migraines altogether, whereas I've had the 2 mentioned above since I started the other ones.

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Originally posted by Funke88

....... and especially Feverfew. Go and ask at a health food shop. Feverfew is a natural pain killer but you need to take it constantly for it to build up in your body ready for next time.

I've also heard feverfew works as a preventative for migraine (not as a painkiller)

Like you say though, you have to take it on a daily ongoing basis......

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im also the same ( wanting to know how to relieve migraines ) i dont know what medication is good for them but i do know that when you get an attack to get someone to press onto your head with quite a bit of pressure and also to massage your head helps (in a dark room) it does for me anyway. i have had times when i have taken medication and it hasnt helped but that does

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I used to get them ALL the time, particularly in summer, might sound stupid but walking past a long fence on the shadow side used to be a nightmare for me, cos the flickering light in corner of my eye used to give me a headache which often progressed to a fully blown migraine.


I once had a migraine on christmas day then the week after one on my birthday :( was gutted.


Paracetamol never did anything to help, but migraleve often helped if i caught it early enough.

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Okay this is going to sound a bit crazy, and it's tricky to pull off but if you can in my experience it's the best relief for a migraine (well, the headachey bit, it doesn't do much for the other symptoms).


Sneeze. It must be something to do with a sneeze releasing pressure in the head, but if you sneeze while you've got a migraine it pretty much clears it up straight away.


It's just a matter of finding some flowers/pepper/pets to bring it on :)

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  • 2 months later...

Well I am getting increasingly frustrated with my migraine attacks, I was wondering what success anyone else had had with different medication.


I have had migraines before in the past, but they have usually be isololated and few and far between. This year I have been having a lot. It started in february, when I had approximately 8 over a 3 week period. There was then a 3 month break, but the whole sequence repeated itself in June. I have now had another 3 month break and the migraines started again a couple of weeks ago.


I haven't had as many this time (3 in 2 weeks so far), but it is so disruptive and is causing real problems with work and financially. I think work may want to refer me to Occupational Health because of the time I have needed to take off. I also am not entitled to any company sick pay because I am in the first year of my employment - but I find it impossible to work through an attack. They sometimes allow me to take a day's holiday when I'm ill, but usually I have to take it unpaid. I'm pretty sure the migraines are being caused by stress/lack of sleep, so the financial situation is just making it worse.


I have now tried various forms of medication. The first was Sumatriptan (Immigran). This was excellent at stopping the aura and the pain, but made the nausea much worse and caused lots of other horrible side effects that just defeated the object of taking it in the first place. I then tried Naratriptan (Naramig), which only helped with the aura, didn't help with the pain, and had the same side effects as the Immigran. I was prescribed Rizatriptan (Maxalt) last week, which had no side effects, was brilliant at stopping the nausea, but did nothing to stop the aura or the pain.


I am getting very frustrated, and the medication itself is working out to be expensive. Today I have been prescribed Pizotifen, which are apparently designed to reduce the incidence of migraine rather than treating the symptoms, so I will have to take it every day. He has also precsribed me some stronger pain killers (Voltarol) because paracetemol and nurofen just don't touch it.


Has anyone else every tried any (or all!) of the above drugs for migraine? Did they work for you?

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Originally posted by chocotiger

Have you tried sex??


I’m not kidding it some times works for me. The big "O" releases some sort of chemical in the brain which relaxes the blood vessels I think...lol


LOL - no I haven't! But to be honest I can't imagine ever being in the mood during the onset of a migraine - and I doubt a partner would want to make love to someone who might be about to vomit on him at any moment! :hihi:

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