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Migraines - Do you know a cure for them?

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  • 4 months later...

I just take Anadin Extra or equivalent, I've never been under the doctor for mine *touch wood* but a couple of weeks ago I had a bad one that for the first time ever came with blurred vision. I had a sleep and rallied for a while, ate, and then it came back with the blurred vision. Usually it's tiredness or low sugar that gets me. Fortunately I can eat cheese and chocolate and drink coffee without any problems, and if I'm struck down badly at work I can leave and I'll still get paid.

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hi, i read that avocados in your diet reduce migraines.


there's acupressure points on the bony ridge that slants down near the ends of the eyebrows plus one in centre of eyebrows (3rd eye-ish) which may help with gentle circular pressure from finger tips.

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  • 1 month later...

At the minute, my migraine solution I'm mostly using is.


4Head - the rub on cream thing from a little stick that you can get from chemists


Some soluble aspirins


And also some adult Kool & Sooth stick on strips which are quite simply amazing :love:

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I hate the way migraines won't even go away with nurofen etc! When I get one I have it for two bleeding days - it's horrible :(


I had one at my friends house once and she is really into aromatherapy. She gave me a cold wet flanel with lavendar oil on it. I put it on my head and lay down and must admit I felt much better. :thumbsup:

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