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Migraines - Do you know a cure for them?

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Getting controversial now, Louise Hay (Tou Can Heal Your Life, Hay House publishing ) advocates orgasm as a cure for migrane. You have to act quickly before the migraine sets in, but those of you who have aura will know when this is happening and those who don't will have that nagging little pain that you try to ignore, even though it never does go away. Can't think of a better way to cure a headache, and you can always rope in someone nice to help you if you are not already vomiting all over the shop!


My mother has suffred for years, as have I, but screwing up her face in pain has really aged her. She uses the water method


I never used to have aura, since having children I now get them. Makes me think it's hormone related, which would explain the orgasm theory.


Also, drinking lots of water seems to help me, drinking regularly trhroughout the day has staved them off for years.


The book Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Dr F. Batmanghelidj states that water is an efficient treatment for migraines, along with lots of many other modern-day dis-ease (sic). A very interesting read.


So, who is going to be the first person to test out Louise Hay's theory and let me know!!! :clap:


Why oh why did I not see this yesterday??!!!



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I suffer from terrible Migrain and I find that Migraleave (I think it's called) is excellent. Add to that the afore mentioned dark room and quiet helps. Also cold damp flannel on the forehead!



I find these work too, my grandma finds feverfew works for her

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  • 1 year later...
anyone know of a good cure for migraines?? or at least an aid to help relive the pain!!...and not paracetomol or aspirin.


hi i have suffered with these things all my life , and i have really bad ones ,been in and out of hospital ,scans ect . i have tried alsorts , im on sanomigran at the moment have been for around 1 year no migrains at all , which for me is great as i have them often and they keep coming back as one goes ,but the down side is im putting weight on its the less of 2 evils ive gained a stone and a half since i started taking them , so im back to the drawing bord too ,if you can cope with alittle weight gain then i would say these are fantastic ,but for me i have always been skinny and now i just feel big so i dont know pols

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Not read through all the post's, but is it cluster headaches? I have them about every 18 months and last for 3 months, they are vile and make you depressed, imigran injections work for me as they are quick into your bloodstream, however most GPs dont want to prescribe them or tell you about them because they are about 40 quid a shot.

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  • 5 years later...
Hi Chocotiger! You have some great suggestions for relieving Migraines. I am working on a major new series about home remedies and would love to speak to you about this! Are you able to message me at all? Hope to hear from you ASAP. Many thanks! R x
You did notice that this thread is from 2004-2008? Best idea, get five posts in and then you can personal message the person you want to speak to.
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Hi Natjack, thank you so much that is really helpful. If you happen to know of any wonderful home remedies to cure migraines, or any other conditions I'd love to know about them?
Chewing a few feverfew leaves, adding them to a salad, or in a sandwich, or infusing the leaves to make a tea works for some people. According to my old granny anyhow. They don't taste very nice though, and can irritate your mouth.


Luckily, never had one myself.

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