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Who are the Palestinian people?

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Regardless of which label you choose to identify the land where those people have been living for several centuries, it doesn't give some jews from Eastern Europe the right to move in and expel the Palestinians based on the modern israeli fantasy that their ancestors lived there 3000 years ago.

Except, of course, that what you wrongly accredit as a fantasy is documented by over 3300yrs. of evidence. Jews from Eastern Europe or from anywhere else can trace descendance- unless via conversion- from ancestors who lived in what was originally Canaan. Modern Israel is fantastic, I agree.

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Throughout human history land as changed hands through mutual consent, war and theft, that particular piece of land as changed hands many times, some of the people you refer to has Palestinians moved off the land through mutual consent, some left when the surrounding Arab countries started a war, some were kicked off, and some still live there, but the vast majority of Palestinians have no historical ties to the land.


Only because most present-day Palestinians were turned into refugees when the Polish jews turned up and kicked them off thir land. Their ancestors did live on that land though, which is more than you can say about most modern-day israelis, seeing as the ancestors of those jews came from Eastern Europe and beyond.

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Except, of course, that what you wrongly accredit as a fantasy is documented by over 3300yrs. of evidence. Jews from Eastern Europe or from anywhere else can trace descendance- unless via conversion- from ancestors who lived in what was originally Canaan.


Then where have they been for the last 3000 years? Can they just turn up and take over a country like that?


I suppose because Britain was occupied by the Romans 2000 years ago, you'd happily let the Italians come over here and start pushing us around.


So much for UKIP policy :roll:


Modern Israel is fantastic, I agree.


Indeed, any country that can commit mass expulsions and murderous-rampages of a people from their homeland with impunity, all the while wailing that they are the victimised ones, and receiving so much political support is surely deserving of some credit at least.

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Only because most present-day Palestinians were turned into refugees when the Polish jews turned up and kicked them off thir land. Their ancestors did live on that land though, which is more than you can say about most modern-day israelis, seeing as the ancestors of those jews came from Eastern Europe and beyond.


No they didn't, many moved their because of the new found wealth that the Jews brought with them, people moved from Jordon, Syria, Egypt to find work.

There as never been a Palestinian people, they are the descendants of people That had an Arabic nationality which wasn't Palestinian. eg, Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese.


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 18:14 ----------


Then where have they been for the last 3000 years? Can they just turn up and take over a country like that?




I suppose because Britain was occupied by the Romans 2000 years ago, you'd happily let the Italians come over here and start pushing us around.



So much for UKIP policy :roll:




Indeed, any country that can commit mass expulsions and murderous-rampages of a people from their homeland with impunity, all the while wailing that they are the victimised ones, and receiving so much political support is surely deserving of some credit at least.


They didn't take over a country because there wasn't a country there to take over.

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Ah yes, those "terrible" Israelis who are constantly "exploiting" Arabs. Shocking.




How utterly "disgraceful" and "inhuman". Positively "nazi"-like.


Not the first time Israel has "exploited" Arabs like this. Those "awful" people did exactly the same thing during the Lebanese Civil War. "Shame" on them.


Both of which are rather uncomfortable facts that the useful fools in the West who are in love with those poor downtrodden Arabs conveniently overlook.


Perhaps, just perhaps, there are people in the Middle East who are civilised after all? I wonder which side of the Israeli border they just happen to live on? I think I know the answer to that one...

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I've no doubt that the smaller minority of Jews of Sephardi ancestry will share genetic similarities with Arabs. But:


(1) Do the vast majority of fair-skinned, large-nosed (and I'm not being offensive here) ashkenazi jews from Eastern Europe share these same genetic similarities with the Arabs? Let me know.


and (2) do these genetic similarities this give israel the right to expel Palestinians from their land, upon which they've been living for several hundreds years, to make way for some jewish immigrants from Poland?


I doubt it.


Perhaps you should do what the Nazis did and measure noses so you know which ones have a right to live in your Utopia. I'm assuming as the rest would be stateless you would send them to the gas chambers.

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The Palestinians are not a people, they are officially living in an area given by the one and only god to his chosen ones, and are now in the process of being evicted. Houses, mosques, farms bulldozed into obscurity where one day the name of palestinians will just be a feint memory. One cannot have squatters living on god's land, it just not the way fairy tales are supposed to be.


So now where once we had a Master Race, have a Chosen Race, elected by God him/herself, to govern first the area once fully claimed through constructed invented legality.


Extinction of the weak by the strong, is what the Darwinian theory is all about survival of the fittest, and with the help of depleted uranium, a well know genetic disinfectant, together with water and food restrictions the mighty ones shall inherit the earth, well eventually!


Its the new Eugenics innit!? Have you ever seen what a bulldozer can do to a populated village, its magic,. One moment you have a community all living in houses, with kids running about having fun, and hey-Presto you have everyone outside a wailing and crying in a beautiful chorus. It is a pure delight to witness, God be praised etc! And the land is returned to its virgin state, as well as the State Of the promised, realised and taken lands. God made the rules and the chosen are just doing god's work, blessed are those who have the guns.

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It would seam the Palestinians are treated well.

Palestinian Newspaper Admits: Israel Helps Palestinians

The daily noted that 30% of the child patients in Hadassah are Palestinians and that the Israeli hospital is training "60 Palestinian medical interns and specialist physicians who will be returning to the [Palestinian] Authority areas to carry out their work." The hospital has a special program to train Palestinian doctors to treat cancer among children, reported the PA daily.


219,464 Palestinian patients received medical treatment in Israeli hospitals during 2012 – 21,270 of them children. These numbers include companions accompanying the patients to Israel.


Israel facilitates the entry of humanitarian supplies into the Gaza Strip for the benefit of the civilian population, despite the fact that Gaza is controlled by Hamas - a terrorist organization that has declared its intention to eliminate the Jewish State.

The amount and variety of goods entering Gaza every day has increased exponentially since 2010.


The only goods restricted are weapons, war materials and certain items that have military as well as civilian applications.


July 2013


- 6,639 truckloads of goods, including 2,102 truckloads of food products and 1,952 truckloads of construction materials, were delivered from Israel to Gaza.

- 109 truckloads of goods and boxes were exported from Gaza.

- 6,128 Palestinians, including medical patients, passed into Israel through the Erez Terminal.


lol, propaganda at it's finest. Good on that man. :)

here have some counter propaganda



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lol, propaganda at it's finest. Good on that man. :)

here have some counter propaganda




One only as to look at the figures for Gaza's population size and increase, birth rate, mortality rate, life expectancy to realise they they have enough food, water and the other essentials of life. They have substantially more than many other people on this planet, and they can't produce it all themselves, it is imported into the country with much of it going in through Israel. The propaganda is that Gaza is a prison full of starving people, when clearly it is not. The fact that Israel hasn't wiped them out as a people is evidence that they don't want to wipe them out, they certainly have the capability, but have chose not to use it.

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