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Who are the Palestinian people?

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A really good thread here. I have renewed hope for Sheffield Forum.


The following points/questions occur to me:-

1. Is there a cut off point to inheritance? Bearing in mind the Norman Conquest and the date of birth of Mohammed (if that has anything to do with it!).

2. Posession is nine tenths of the law. If someone buys an item, in good faith, rights of ownership cannot be taken from them.

3. In some countries faith is the most important part of their national identity so much so that religious persons dominate the governing factions.

4. In some countries faith is/or has been banned totally or from public life eg France and the USA.

5. If a high enough % of the World view is against a regime that regime will fall, but not always, yet! eg 3rd Reich, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, South Africa, The USSR, North Korea, Poland, KSA.


Time will tell but I'm glad I'm not involved.

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