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Migrant workers needed to avoid NHS crisis.

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NHS sends for migrant workers to avoid crisis.






Hundreds of Spanish nurses will start work across Britain this week, having been fast-tracked to work at NHS hospitals in what the Royal College of Nursing is describing as a “crisis in workforce supply”.

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Didn't they realise they needed to train more nurses? That seems a bit inept to say the least.


Also, the bigger question, what's going to happen in Spanish hospitals, if we've enticed many of their nurses away? It seems immoral to me to let another poorer country train people to fill their needs and then entice them to UK with promises of better pay.


ETA: Having now read the link, it seems Spain has way more nurses than it think it needs, so maybe not so bad after all?

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We have 2.5 million unemployed people in this country, so why aren't some of them training to be nurses? If we had full employment like after the war, I could understand the need for migrant workers, but it's crazy to bring in people with such a huge workforce claiming benefits. Also, if we didn't have so many health tourists, we wouldn't need so many nurses.

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We have 2.5 million unemployed people in this country, so why aren't some of them training to be nurses? If we had full employment like after the war, I could understand the need for migrant workers, but it's crazy to bring in people with such a huge workforce claiming benefits. Also, if we didn't have so many health tourists, we wouldn't need so many nurses.


There are many people in the process of training to be nurses but it takes 3 years plus another year preceptorship - it won't happen overnight.

Plus it is a very academic course and not suitable for many.


---------- Post added 24-11-2013 at 11:41 ----------


Eh.? that is crazy, why are we getting rid of our own nurses.?


'We' aren't - there just aren't enough nurses at the moment. Many are in the process of training but as many or more very experienced and dedicated nurses are retiring worn out and demoralised.

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There are many people in the process of training to be nurses but it takes 3 years plus another year preceptorship - it won't happen overnight.

Plus it is a very academic course and not suitable for many.




Spot on, it surprises me that so many people believe that just because we have unemployment that there will be sufficient people in that number who will be able to match skills in areas of shortage.


I have a friend who's applying to do a nursing degree, of her options all have hundreds of applicants for a couple of dozen places, the obvious answer is more nursing schools, but of course the public would lack the appetite to fund them if it required an increase in taxation.

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We have 2.5 million unemployed people in this country, so why aren't some of them training to be nurses? If we had full employment like after the war, I could understand the need for migrant workers, but it's crazy to bring in people with such a huge workforce claiming benefits. Also, if we didn't have so many health tourists, we wouldn't need so many nurses.


Because you have to have a degree to become a nurse these days and that costs money. The UK used to import lots of student nurses and train them to British standards but this was substantially curbed around 2006/2007. I'm not entirely sure why that was, but I think it was to do with countries moaning at the UK for taking their nurses. That said, everyone can see the NHS is being deliberately run-down to try and feasibly justify privatisation ... even if some people don't like to admit it.

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We have 2.5 million unemployed people in this country, so why aren't some of them training to be nurses? ...


Some are. Although not everyone can be a nurse, especially when you consider it takes several years of study as well as you need to have no criminal convictions, and prepared to work very antisocial hours.

Also it isn't as secure an occupation as it once was as the government keeps cutting the NHS and interfering with it. Meaning that nurses may have to live on temporary contracts and other methods to keep pay down, like retiring senior nurses off early.

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Out of interest how did we cope before all the migrants came over?


Who worked in the factorys, where did the doctors and nurses come from, who picked fruit from the fields, where did the skilled workers come from?


At the end of the day the UK appeared to manage perfectly well without the migrants many years ago, and lets be honest many years ago very few people went to University.


These days every man and his dog goes to University yet we need to import workers from other countries. Either the Education system is a scam making a few people very wealthy or something is badly wrong.


Why not have a system where the 2.5 million unemployed people are trained? Yes it may take 5 years but we are spending millions on education, so why not get it right?

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