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Migrant workers needed to avoid NHS crisis.

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Out of interest how did we cope before all the migrants came over?


Who worked in the factorys, where did the doctors and nurses come from, who picked fruit from the fields, where did the skilled workers come from?


At the end of the day the UK appeared to manage perfectly well without the migrants many years ago, and lets be honest many years ago very few people went to University.


These days every man and his dog goes to University yet we need to import workers from other countries. Either the Education system is a scam making a few people very wealthy or something is badly wrong.


Why not have a system where the 2.5 million unemployed people are trained? Yes it may take 5 years but we are spending millions on education, so why not get it right?



Where do you think the improvement in your living standard has come from? This 'years ago everything was better' syndrome is so tiresome.


The NHS has been kept alive with migrant workers for decades, if you don't believe that, I suggest you go and talk to some doctors and nurses at the RHH or NGH.


Of the 2.5 million unemployed many are what is known as frictional unemployed. They are between jobs and are either retraining, relocating or at least applying for jobs. Then there are the seasonal unemployed, people that rely on tourism for example, or agricultural jobs.


Unemployment doesn't mean: Sitting at home for years. Most unemployed are unemployed for a short time or because they refuse to apply for jobs outside their comfort zone.

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Didn't they realise they needed to train more nurses? That seems a bit inept to say the least.


Also, the bigger question, what's going to happen in Spanish hospitals, if we've enticed many of their nurses away? It seems immoral to me to let another poorer country train people to fill their needs and then entice them to UK with promises of better pay.


ETA: Having now read the link, it seems Spain has way more nurses than it think it needs, so maybe not so bad after all?


Its make one wonder what Spain are doing to end up with so many unnecessary nursers, whilst we don't have enough. They clearly train more than they need whilst we don't train enough.

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We need to make sure that we have enough nurses in the future. Why are so many of our youngsters studying media and other duff courses when there are very few jobs in that industry compared to things like nursing where there is a shortage of workers??


You will find that people with media degrees have the second highest chance of landing a job right out of Uni. I can't find the link at the moment, but it was rather revealing that a lot of the engineering students are actually the ones who take longest to find appropriate employment.

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Spot on, it surprises me that so many people believe that just because we have unemployment that there will be sufficient people in that number who will be able to match skills in areas of shortage.


I have a friend who's applying to do a nursing degree, of her options all have hundreds of applicants for a couple of dozen places, the obvious answer is more nursing schools, but of course the public would lack the appetite to fund them if it required an increase in taxation.


It wouldn't need an increase in taxation, it would just need money moving from something of less importance.

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Its make one wonder what Spain are doing to end up with so many unnecessary nursers, whilst we don't have enough. They clearly train more than they need whilst we don't train enough.


They had a welfare state that went bankrupt? I thought everybody knew this, unless of course you missed the news about 50% of unemployment amongst young people in Spain.

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We need to make sure that we have enough nurses in the future. Why are so many of our youngsters studying media and other duff courses when there are very few jobs in that industry compared to things like nursing where there is a shortage of workers??


There was a thread elsewhere about nurses having to pay to park their car at Jessops Hospital at £7 a day. One poster an experienced sister of 15 years experience said her income was in the region of £34k pa. A successful graduate in media studies probably hopes to earn a lot more than that after 15 years for a lot easier work.

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They had a welfare state that went bankrupt? I thought everybody knew this, unless of course you missed the news about 50% of unemployment amongst young people in Spain.


That wouldn't account for them having too many nurses, unless you are saying they need the nurses but can't afford to pay them.

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It wouldn't need an increase in taxation, it would just need money moving from something of less importance.


Clearly training British doctors and nurses and the funding the associated infrastructure costs isn't regarded as high importance, it might be if we were unable to obtain staff from abroad.


Let's also not forget that demands for nursing staff are variable, foreigners can be quickly found in areas of speciality and deployed in geographical areas of need, once they're no longer required they return home, homegrown staff aren't as portable....or disposable.

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Clearly training British doctors and nurses and the funding the associated infrastructure costs isn't regarded as high importance, it might be if we were unable to obtain staff from abroad.


So it wouldn't higher tax's then, politicians would just need to consider it to be more important than something else.

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