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Migrant workers needed to avoid NHS crisis.

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But when it has been considered 'more important than anything else' it's not been a vote winner.


That doesn't change the fact that tax's do not need to increase for us to train more nursed, it just need a change of priority. Its also I have never seen in a political parties manifesto, so we don't know if it would be a vote winner.

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That doesn't change the fact that tax's do not need to increase for us to train more nursed, it just need a change of priority.


I'm not arguing with you, I simply suggested one of the reasons why there aren't enough homegrown nurses, I also proposed an equally compelling reason-from an employer's point of view.

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I'm not arguing with you, I simply suggested one of the reasons why there aren't enough homegrown nurses, I also proposed an equally compelling reason-from an employer's point of view.


The same reasons you gave must apply to all countries, yet they must have an over abundance of nurses for the UK to exploit, unless our exploitation of their staff leaves them without. Its always going to be cheaper to poach staff from other countries, but that doesn't make it morally the right thing to do.

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The same reasons you gave must apply to all countries, yet they must have an over abundance of nurses for the UK to exploit, unless our exploitation of their staff leaves them without. Its always going to be cheaper to poach staff from other countries, but that doesn't make it morally the right thing to do.


I've heard this line of reasoning from Nick Griffin and the BNP, and it's a classic example of faux indignation-just a different spin on the immigrants argument.


When I see an Australian stand up and lament the immorality of them poaching our doctors and nurses-people who choose to emigrate to improve their lives, I'll not overly worry about it.

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NHS sends for migrant workers to avoid crisis.






Hundreds of Spanish nurses will start work across Britain this week, having been fast-tracked to work at NHS hospitals in what the Royal College of Nursing is describing as a “crisis in workforce supply”.


The irony is we need foreign nurses because of all the extra foreigners coming into the country and using the NHS.


But that doesn't excuse the fact that if we're failing as a country to produce enough quality nurses, that is entirely our fault as a county; it the fault of a poor education system, and poor policies at governmental level.

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I've heard this line of reasoning from Nick Griffin and the BNP, and it's a classic example of faux indignation-just a different spin on the immigrants argument.


When I see an Australian stand up and lament the immorality of them poaching our doctors and nurses-people who choose to emigrate to improve their lives, I'll not overly worry about it.


The Nick Griffin and the BNP must have more morality than our currant crop of politicians. :o

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It would be great if it were true.


Yes, I can see that it might not be true, but it doesn't alter the fact that poaching staff from countries that need those staff is immoral, especially when we have the ability and resources to train our own staff.

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