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Climbers at Stanage edge

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Is the word 'problem' synonymous with 'rout'? Have heard climbers use that term often, maybe it just refers to climbing walls though?


In my experience the word problem has been used mainly to describe one, or a series of, bouldering moves.

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Do you only have one rope ? Not a second safety rope ... When I was on stanage edge there seemed to be loads of ropes, but who was actually using what was quite hard to determine without going to the very edge and looking over..(which I didn't have the nerve to do)...I just kept my distance while I ate my sandwiches...


If you're leading a climb, then whether you have 1 or 2 ropes, it's all secured below you only, and only by equipment that you've placed as you climb.


There are other ways to climb, that are arguably safer. Sports climbing would involve the points being set with bolts in advance, so you don't place your own gear. Or you could top rope (whereby the rope is secured from above) by setting that up before the climb (possibly having to absail down to the bottom in order to climb).


Lockjaw can probably answer in more detail since he climbs outdoors and I don't (yet).

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If you're leading a climb, then whether you have 1 or 2 ropes, it's all secured below you only, and only by equipment that you've placed as you climb.


There are other ways to climb, that are arguably safer. Sports climbing would involve the points being set with bolts in advance, so you don't place your own gear. Or you could top rope (whereby the rope is secured from above) by setting that up before the climb (possibly having to absail down to the bottom in order to climb).


Lockjaw can probably answer in more detail since he climbs outdoors and I don't (yet).


You've pretty much covered it, Cyclone. When I was instructing I would always abseil down the top-rope after I'd set it up, to make sure I'd done it properly. This tactic made me very focused!


Get outside as soon as you can. Indoor climbing is great but not a patch on the outdoors. I'd also recommend you get on some multi-pitch stuff as soon as possible. Middlefell Buttress at the bottom of Langdale would be a great place to start.

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Very interesting guys. I am going to Stanage this weekend and will take a bit more notice now you have explained things more clearly, will be interesting to look ..


For an extra bit of fun, stand at the top of an easyish climb with someone breezing up it & watch their face when they get to the final move over the smooth convex no-handhold top.

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