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Angola Bans Islam

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They get away with it because people are called racist for mentioning it and wanting it to stop.


However some of those people clearly are racist by virtue of what they say, they they need to learn to get over the label being applied to them if the cap fits or use different language to voice their grievances if it doesnt.

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No it isnt. Its good sense. The only foolish thing is islam is allowed to grow like a cancer in most other parts of the world.

Well fingers crossed this is where the tide starts to turn and people start to see it for what it is.


Trying to police what people believe is doomed to failure and inevitably creates more problems than it solves.


The state has no business trying to tell people what they can and cannot believe and/or worship.


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 11:09 ----------


In an ideal world id agree but some of these people are happily murdering innocents in the name of their religion.

They get away with it because people are called racist for mentioning it and wanting it to stop.

People have had the opportunity to become civilized, some (muslims) just dont want to be and never will be.

Are we to allow these people to kill maim and cause havoc and destruction until they have their epiphany and realise that religion is a hoax used to control the weak minded?


On that basis you'd support banning Christianity then?

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How can speaking out against the terror that Muslim extremists cause be classed as racist? The Muslim faith will accept anyone who converts regardless of the colour of their skin. As far as I am aware a racist is someone who is prejudiced towards others based on skin colour. Muslims are white, black, Arabic, Asian etc so speaking out against Muslims is simply speaking out against a religious group of people. Nothing racist there at all.

I have also noticed that although a few Muslims do speak out and say they do not support the actions of the terrorists, no one seems to pick up the phone and inform the police of where these terror cells are. By their inaction they are supporting them silently.

So yes, ban Islam, it is outdated and has no place in modern society. Either that or lets bring back the christian crusades, fight fire with fire. An outdated solution to an outdated problem. Put all non believers to the sword like they used to, convert or die. Well, what's good for the Muslim goose is good for the Christian gander.

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How can speaking out against the terror that Muslim extremists cause be classed as racist? The Muslim faith will accept anyone who converts regardless of the colour of their skin. As far as I am aware a racist is someone who is prejudiced towards others based on skin colour. Muslims are white, black, Arabic, Asian etc so speaking out against Muslims is simply speaking out against a religious group of people. Nothing racist there at all.

I have also noticed that although a few Muslims do speak out and say they do not support the actions of the terrorists, no one seems to pick up the phone and inform the police of where these terror cells are. By their inaction they are supporting them silently.

So yes, ban Islam, it is outdated and has no place in modern society. Either that or lets bring back the christian crusades, fight fire with fire. An outdated solution to an outdated problem. Put all non believers to the sword like they used to, convert or die. Well, what's good for the Muslim goose is good for the Christian gander.


Onward Christian Soldiers.

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According to wikipedia there are about 90000 Muslims in Angola.


This comment from reddit where I originally read about it.



I'm working off the coast of Angola right now. As far as the Muslim thing goes.. From what my guys out here are telling me, there was a Catholic church desecration a few months back during some period of observance of Mother Mary. Some shrine or temple that is central to this ritual or whatever it's called was destroyed by another religious group. But the media is controlled by the government and no one was told what religion was the perpetrator. Also, Nigerians and Egyptians have come here in the past and overall they are much more aggressive than Angolans. This made many Angolans weary of them and Islam moving in. Then when people started converting to Islam, it freaked out alot of the Christians. Add that to the idea that many of the Angolans are very optimistic about where their country is heading and how well they've been doing in regards to western ideas of progress and advancement... they are afraid that there will be repercussions brought on all of them if Islam gets a toehold here. AAANNNNNDDD since the civil war things have been overall very subdued here. People, though oppressed in many ways, are happy because they aren't killing each other in the streets anymore. Except those on the bottom who aren't fitting into this new western style of education and hustling for a living...those people are often looking for an excuse to blame others or an excuse for violence. The people are worried that if the Muslims bring any amount of sectarian violence back into Angola, things will kick off again and destroy what they've taken so long to build.


This might not be all gospel as I can only talk to the guys I work with. This is a very small and biased sample, but it's my two cents..


---------- Post added 25-11-2013 at 12:23 ----------


The only source for this seems to be an odd French news site that contains a quote from one general.


Doesn't seem to be any official line on it yet, so maybe it's all just a bunch of rubbish?


There are a few Portuguese reports but it was a former Portuguese colony. I can`t confirm any of it though.

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