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Angola Bans Islam

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Finding it very hard to read this thread without calling a certain poster a completely ignorant and abhorrent human being, but I am managing just about.


Banning religion is the biggest trigger for a counter-reaction. I don't care whether we are talking about the islam, the christian church or scientology. Banning it is not an answer and shouldn't even be considered. It is just morally wrong to take away people's faith. Whether you like the faith or not is irrelevant.

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Some sources I could find.


AllAfrica News.........Angola: Minister Guarantees Efforts to Fight Illegal Churches



Here's a much more in-depth article in Portuguese from a veritable Angolan newspaper.

Google Translation here:


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Finding it very hard to read this thread without calling a certain poster a completely ignorant and abhorrent human being, but I am managing just about.


Banning religion is the biggest trigger for a counter-reaction. I don't care whether we are talking about the islam, the christian church or scientology. Banning it is not an answer and shouldn't even be considered. It is just morally wrong to take away people's faith. Whether you like the faith or not is irrelevant.

It reads as though the endgame is to get rid of Muslims from their country because they don't like the effect they've having on their culture and are worried about unrest? So they think banning the faith will result in any adherents leaving the country, as they're not allowed to stop being Muslims on pain of death?


Maybe they think this is a way to deport them without actually deporting them and stirring up international outrage? I can't see the Muslims leaving without a fight though, can anyone?

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Finding it very hard to read this thread without calling a certain poster a completely ignorant and abhorrent human being, but I am managing just about.


Banning religion is the biggest trigger for a counter-reaction. I don't care whether we are talking about the islam, the christian church or scientology. Banning it is not an answer and shouldn't even be considered. It is just morally wrong to take away people's faith. Whether you like the faith or not is irrelevant.


Nothing makes someone more curious about something than when a government bans it. It will probably backfire on them.


It has been a dictatorship for 30 years though. They are discriminating because they can.

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It reads as though the endgame is to get rid of Muslims from their country because they don't like the effect they've having on their culture and are worried about unrest? So they think banning the faith will result in any adherents leaving the country, as they're not allowed to stop being Muslims on pain of death?


Maybe they think this is a way to deport them without actually deporting them and stirring up international outrage? I can't see the Muslims leaving without a fight though, can anyone?


Well yes because they are a tiny minority there in a country that thinks nothing of killing. They would be literally justifying the government decision if they started fighting.


The Chinese pump billions into Angola for infrastructure and they have a lot of Chinese living there so there will be no outcry there. They support a dictator probably because the Chinese have to expand living space.


Angola is now one of the biggest oil producers in Africa and they will tell the west they are preventing Al Queda so there will be no outcry there.

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Just Sarah, as i peruse these threads on a daily basis, yours are the comments that stand out the most. Not in any positive light I would add. It seems your only reason for being here is to continually push your own agenda with regards to the faith of Islam. Whether it be pulling statistics from where the sun doth not shine, making wild assumptions or just generally tarring all with the same brush, its like a broken record.


I won't be replying to anything, just wanted to leave this here. Not interested in a debate with you, a wise man once gave me a good piece of advice when it comes to arguing, something about "fools" and "at a distance"...

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Finding it very hard to read this thread without calling a certain poster a completely ignorant and abhorrent human being, but I am managing just about.


Banning religion is the biggest trigger for a counter-reaction. I don't care whether we are talking about the islam, the christian church or scientology. Banning it is not an answer and shouldn't even be considered. It is just morally wrong to take away people's faith. Whether you like the faith or not is irrelevant.


Even in countries where Christianity is outlawed or sevely restricted, they don't have a problem with Christian terrorists blowing people up, so I think claiming one automatically leads to the other isn't necessarily true.

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Even in countries where Christianity is outlawed or sevely restricted, they don't have a problem with Christian terrorists blowing people up, so I think claiming one automatically leads to the other isn't necessarily true.


I didn't claim anything about blowing people up did I?

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