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The New Moor Market

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The end of the Freebee service is probably just the start of the cuts, I expect some major restrictions/changes for those entitled to free travel passes in the coming months.


Apparently the cuts amount to nearly twice the annual repayments on the Student Games, although if this repayment money had been available to put into reserves for the last 20 years there would be enough money to avoid all the cuts and provide Rolls Royce limos to transport folk to and from the markets.

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Apparently the cuts amount to nearly twice the annual repayments on the Student Games, although if this repayment money had been available to put into reserves for the last 20 years there would be enough money to avoid all the cuts and provide Rolls Royce limos to transport folk to and from the markets.


Yes because the council would have certainly saved all the money for a rainy day and not spent it on something else, we can absolutely count on the council to have been entirely sensible with the extra money they would have been afforded. :huh:


It's a bit late for sour grapes over the student games, the council ought to be used to paying this debt each year by now.

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How was it free ? It was subsidised by the PTE with public money.


It was free cos every passenger who used it didn't pay a penny.


Some bus journeys cost 50p, others could cost £7, none of those are free.


However, some bus journeys cost 0p- no money changes hands- those are the free ones.


If you ever get on a bus where none of the passengers are giving the driver any money, and the driver doesn't look perturbed by it- chances are it's a free bus.


And yes, free buses are generally subsidised- fuel, unlike some buses, is not free :)

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Yes because the council would have certainly saved all the money for a rainy day and not spent it on something else, we can absolutely count on the council to have been entirely sensible with the extra money they would have been afforded. :huh:


It's a bit late for sour grapes over the student games, the council ought to be used to paying this debt each year by now.


They certainly should be used to paying the debt by now. The stupidity of that one council decision has so far cost Sheffield around £700 million so it is a bit rich when they blame the closure of a library or inability to provide a free bus on government cuts.

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The place is much smaller than the old one though its a very long time since all the available stalls inside, outside and the gallery were in use. There are quite a few of the old market traders that have moved, especially in the fresh meat area. The prices are a little higher than before, which have been forced to cover the higher rents. Though I'm told that their introductory rents will be for one year only then look at as I imagine quite a few of the stalls will be unable to compete.


Only two mobile phone related stalls thankfully. There are more eat now outlets than before and thankfully not too many foriegn ones though there is some asian food available the smell of which prevents me trying any of the others.


It is smaller than anticipated and the higher rents will cause problems eventually unless the council sees the light.


To be honest I hope the traders are able to make a go of it, but at best I only give it a 50/50 chance of still being a market in 3 years time.

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