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The New Moor Market

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Surely the food market wouldve brought the chance of the footfall they crave ?? I cannot understand why any trader would vote not to open , they have to change there ways and compete with the competition instead of sitting around waiting for the buisness to come to them and complain about nobody helping them !


Location of the market is fine in my opinion if people think it's difficult to get to by car I'd love to know how and why castle market wasn't ?! , traditional area maybe not but I've never understood why castle market was so convinient for more people ?!?


Ultimately the moor market will only be as successful as the people of sheffield and the traders make it


If people can't be bothered to have a walk down moor or go a little out of there usual way to support local trades then they don't deserve a market


Hmmm, common sense, are you sure you are an Owl? :hihi:

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Surely the food market wouldve brought the chance of the footfall they crave ?? I cannot understand why any trader would vote not to open , they have to change there ways and compete with the competition instead of sitting around waiting for the buisness to come to them and complain about nobody helping them !


I understand that some of the traders had stalls at the food market instead of in the market hall.

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Theres one question that keeps on running through my mind about this new market and the empty pitches. If traders weren't quing up to take on a pitch when it was rent free and expecting 100,000 customers per week how do they expect to get people when they want 25 grand for the pitches and can only expect 60000 customers each week.

Edited by Joseph Anton
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So you would have just stayed in the castle market until the roof fell in? If you hadnt noticed the building was falling down and the market was on the decline.





Over the bank holiday a specialist food market was moved to the moor. The traders in the market voted 2/3 against opening to benefit from the trade. Am afraid they are going to have to adapt if they want more business by considering extended hours, things like internet ordering click and collect as well as welling stuff people want to buy.


It beggars belief that they voted against opening with all that activity they would have benefited from.


Sainsburys opposite is open Babk holidays and till 7 pm 6 days and opens on Sunday.


Not suggesting they open late every night but a couple of late nights would surely be a good idea.


In this day and age you need to be open when your customers need you or they will shop elsewhere or buy online.

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Not suggesting they open late every night but a couple of late nights would surely be a good idea.


Yes, if they were open later than 5:30 they would probably catch the 'after work' trade. I wonder if they'll take part in any late night opening that happens in the run up to Christmas?


I know late night opening is more difficult for the staff but to compensate they could probably bring back 'half day closing' one afternoon, if the footfall during the day is as low as people are claiming.


There is a survey here which they are asking customers to complete.

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they have problems which is they cnat afford to employ people and they dont wnat to work ,longer hours. many times I have seen people trying to get in on sunday and after 5:30. It seems so obvious they should let the shops open that want to. Maybe 7 is a better time for them to close.

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they have problems which is they cnat afford to employ people and they dont wnat to work ,longer hours. many times I have seen people trying to get in on sunday and after 5:30. It seems so obvious they should let the shops open that want to. Maybe 7 is a better time for them to close.


Do they need to open at 8:30 daily? Maybe opening later and closing later some days would increase trade?

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Over the bank holiday a specialist food market was moved to the moor. The traders in the market voted 2/3 against opening to benefit from the trade. Am afraid they are going to have to adapt if they want more business by considering extended hours, things like internet ordering click and collect as well as welling stuff people want to buy.


Yep I couldn't quite believe they were closed over two days of the food festival. The event has usually been held on Fargate but the council made the decision to move the event towards the new market area. The area was very busy with people who don't usually visit the centre regularly but yet who would be very interested in the fresh food available at the market. These are the very people the market needs to attract if it is to survive and they turned exposure to new customers. We've heard many sob stories coming from hard up market traders but if they're turning down these opportunities they aren't helping themselves.


In more encouraging news a posh coffee stall is opening up on Saturday Grounded Coffee. They're already got a small shop in Meadowhall at the end of the Lanes, so must be making a tidy sum if they're expanding. Let's hope that the huge overheads of opening up in the market don't drive them out of business.

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I have never been to the market as it doesn't appeal to me. I always thought shopping at the market was something for the older generation. BUT I don't think it's a location or changing the opening times that will make it a success. Maybe making it have appeal to the younger generation or people just on the move. A simple mobile app where I can order something for my dinner, pay and collect it.


Why extend the opening hours? Why not just make a better use of the hours it's already open.


I have noticed a massive car park next door to the market maybe adding free parking for a hour for people shopping there. (If this is already done spread the word better). People shop at supermarkets and out of town mainly because of free parking. Don't get me wrong it's never going to be an Asda or Tesco but the council are hardly putting up a good fight!

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Do they need to open at 8:30 daily? Maybe opening later and closing later some days would increase trade?


Well said. That's what I have always thought.


Many shops in London dont open until around 10.00am because many people simply are not there to shop in them. Many are still communting in or simply dont want to be out and about that early.


But what it means is that they are open right through to 7.00pm and beyond catching the trade of those leaving work wanting to pick up things on their way home. That to me is a far better business hours for retailers these days.


I really dont know why more dont do it.


Has anyone ever had a look at Meadowhall's shopping hours. Its not a coincidence they chose those times.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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