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The New Moor Market

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Now you are clutching at straws again.


Maybe I misunderstand, perhaps that's what you are wanting. A market hall that excludes the working man you appear to champion and instead we have a market filled with yuppies, yummy mummies and ten bob millionaires.


Yes I think you misunderstand.


They are aiming to get more independent food retailers in. More quality and variety. Sheffield already has good delis, butchers, bakers etc. If the variety and quality was good enough, then there is enough money here to sustain such a place imo, especially from the side of the city where it is situated.


Many of the existing stalls will quit over the next 2-3 years. Up to market management if they can attract enough new stallholders of the right type. I hope they succeed. The market doesnt have to be for everyone.

Edited by 999tigger
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Now you are clutching at straws again.


You cannot compare anything in Central London to the rest of the country. Borough Market does not face the same issues as the market in Sheffield. For one thing - it is not uncommon for people in central london not to own a car. Its proably unique in this fact. People in London usually walk or get the tube to get around. Therefore the footfall for a local market is higher and the impact from supermarkets is limited as many locals in Central London buy what they can carry every few days as oppose have a major supermarket shop.


With that level of footfall it is easier for a market to be successful.


Secondly the traders and their clientele are completley different.


The disposable income levels of their customer base is totally different. They are a specialist food market selling high end, artisan, exclusive and rare foods with a price tag to match. The so called grounded salt of the earth types who frequented your beloved Castle Market would hardly be able to afford a loaf of bread and being the way Sheffield folk are if we did attempt something such as a Borough Market up here - the screams of "how much???" for the majority of shoppers would be so loud you could hear it from the Wicker.


Maybe I misunderstand, perhaps that's what you are wanting. A market hall that excludes the working man you appear to champion and instead we have a market filled with yuppies, yummy mummies and ten bob millionaires.


I think there's room for both. The problem at the moment is that it's all cheap, cheerful and no variety.


Until there's better quality, more refined wares, the wealthy half of the city aren't going to go anywhere near it.


I think you can create a culture where poor people eat better too. Look at somewhere like Chesterfield - I'm sure there's less money there, but because it's available, people buy good food rather than processed frozen muck.


How can Chesterfield sustain artisan bakeries, delis, pie shops and cheese shops in its centre, whereas Sheffield can't (Sheffield's are all out in the western suburbs)?

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A market hall that excludes the working man you appear to champion and instead we have a market filled with yuppies, yummy mummies and ten bob millionaires.


Isn't that the way markets have been changing for some time though? Why go to the market nowadays when you have supermarkets slashing prices to compete, alternatives like Aldi, cheap frozen food shops (Iceland, Heron et al) and Home Bargains & B&M and the pound shops.


Before these came around the markets were the cheapest place to get food. But these are sole traders who don't have the bulk buying power of all the above.

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Isn't that the way markets have been changing for some time though? Why go to the market nowadays when you have supermarkets slashing prices to compete, alternatives like Aldi, cheap frozen food shops (Iceland, Heron et al) and Home Bargains & B&M and the pound shops.


Before these came around the markets were the cheapest place to get food. But these are sole traders who don't have the bulk buying power of all the above.


Unfortunately a lot of people unable to compete with supermarkets are being forced out of business and as they are the number of options for any given item is reduced. Soon there will only be the supermarkets offering the same few brands, which in turn are mostly owned by the same people.

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I went to check out the new market today and it was nice to see people about on The Moor again .I like the fact that Market is clean &tidy one of the Butchers was being friendly & I was surprised at the cost of meat,I normally shop in supermarkets and I paid a lot less for it .I stopped using castle market cos it looked +smelt dirty !I didn't,t feel safe with some of the people hanging around that area and there were wardens about to keep an eye on things .As I walked back up the Moor a guy was singing hi heart outs .Didn't,t like being approached tho by a guy promoting a children's charity trying to get me to sign up by giving him my DD details I said no thanx &went on my way ,but I will be going to The Market again :)

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I went to check out the new market today and it was nice to see people about on The Moor again .I like the fact that Market is clean &tidy one of the Butchers was being friendly & I was surprised at the cost of meat,I normally shop in supermarkets and I paid a lot less for it .I stopped using castle market cos it looked +smelt dirty !I didn't,t feel safe with some of the people hanging around that area and there were wardens about to keep an eye on things .As I walked back up the Moor a guy was singing hi heart outs .Didn't,t like being approached tho by a guy promoting a children's charity trying to get me to sign up by giving him my DD details I said no thanx &went on my way ,but I will be going to The Market again :)


Yes, I agree, I would be happy taking my children to the new market; I would never have taken them down waingate.

Charity muggers is probably the subject of a whole new thread. I can't stand them (their role, not the poor sods who are no doubt decent people trying to earna living same as everyone else). But it is very intrusive and , yeah, some are worse than others.

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Having wandered down the Moor the other day it was actually quite busy.


Probably old news, but I did notice the demolition work had gone into the building that fronts charter row. For some reason as they hadnt previously touched that, then I thought it might survive.


The new cinema development will now cover a substantial area and looks to be a bigger development than the market. Big changes for the Moor.

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Hi was just wondering if enybody knows if they sell cheap trainers in market! Like nike shox , nike tn's


I'm not sure if they do stock this. Wouldn't it be nice if they had an online website to show you what they do have ? :)


Erm, why don't you wonder down there any way ? If you cannot find it in there, then there is also the Sportsdirect just behind the Moor. If not, then you also have another sport shop at the top of the Moor as well.

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