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The New Moor Market

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Lets see if the Moor Market is a success first before complaining that it's too small.


You never know, it could become really busy and we end up having to build a second market :o


Why not have 2, paint one blue and one red and call them football clubs, that should get the tourists flocking :hihi:

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What are the prices like i the Beer Central place?


As someone who works in the lovely area of Castle Market I've hardly ever seen any bother inside (there are some states lurching around outside though). You got some odd characters but at least it had character.


I hope the new one works. Looks a bit soulless to me on first glance. Iguess we'll be able to judge it better after a couple of years.

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Guest makapaka

I've not been - really hope it does well.


Think it's a real shame people post negative stuff on the first day of trading.


Could be so much more to come and people just want to moan. Shame

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What are the prices like i the Beer Central place?


Based on a text I received from a friend, they look reasonably expensive.


Jaipur £2.95, Halcyon £3.40, Gorlovka £2.45 and Sixer £2.25. They're all beers I can get elsewhere for about 20% cheaper or maybe even more.


Where this place will come into it's own is with the bottled beers you can't get elsewhere in Sheffield, like Moor, Kernel and Magic Rock.





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Based on a text I received from a friend, they look reasonably expensive.


Jaipur £2.95, Halcyon £3.40, Gorlovka £2.45 and Sixer £2.25. They're all beers I can get elsewhere for about 20% cheaper or maybe even more.


Where this place will come into it's own is with the bottled beers you can't get elsewhere in Sheffield, like Moor, Kernel and Magic Rock.






Let's hope they tie something in with Campaign for Real Ale association as they would improve trade no end.

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