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The New Moor Market

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Cannot for the life of me get the figures to tally, these figures are taken from todays rag, if sixteen stalls are vacant, and 95% of the stalls are in use then there must be three hundred and twenty stalls in the market. ( simple maths) Where are they. This would work out that the ninety three traders could have at least three each. Someones figures don,t tally, and it,s not mine.

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If it has any sense then it will move or leave the market and move into the cinema complex.


Neither you nor I know what money they are taking at the moment and what its costs are.

It would probably be making more moeny at the food hub or at the entrance.

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Cannot for the life of me get the figures to tally, these figures are taken from todays rag, if sixteen stalls are vacant, and 95% of the stalls are in use then there must be three hundred and twenty stalls in the market. ( simple maths) Where are they. This would work out that the ninety three traders could have at least three each. Someones figures don,t tally, and it,s not mine.


where are your figures from? Link?


Visiting the actual market then I think the number is more like 20+ vacant.

95% of the stalls are not in use as walking round the market will show you that is wrong.

It requires a 95% occupancy rate to break even.

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It looks as though the dirt is now hitting the fan according the headlines in todays Star newspaper.


Mick Cull the market traders chairman is bemoaning the fact that the predicted footfall is down from the promised 100,000 to less than 57,000 per week. Along with this traders are shutting up shop even though they are not as yet paying rent.


The old Castle Market got just as much footfall and just a couple of years ago the figure was 80,000 per week.


Well Mick we told you so! that is the regular customers at the old Castle Market did ,we all knew that to move away to the very edge of Town would be a disaster .


What the traders [who were for the move] management and planners seem to have overlooked is that the old Market customers were not once a week shoppers but used the Market most days , unlike the new shoppers who are occasional visitors.


On top of this the rate payers of Sheffield will now have to foot a sixty million plus repayment loan over the next sixty years and that is presuming that the new building lasts that long which looking at it seems doubtful .

We told you so.

Nothing new there. We are still paying for the Student Games and Supertram. We may as well stick a white elephant in there as well.

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where are your figures from? Link?


Visiting the actual market then I think the number is more like 20+ vacant.

95% of the stalls are not in use as walking round the market will show you that is wrong.

It requires a 95% occupancy rate to break even.


I'm not sure it will get it.



Struggling traders today warned they fear for the future of Sheffield’s new market – less than six months after the £18 million building opened.


Businesses have been forced to pull out and stallholders fear the end of the FreeBee bus in the city centre will accelerate the drop in footfall they say they have suffered.


Sheffield Council today said the new market was a success story but stressed it could not guarantee the success of every business. Food store 7 Days of Heath, Whitlocks Fish Bar and a cafe have all ceased trading since the market opened last November, despite stallholders enjoying a rent-free period for the first six months, with half-price charges for the remainder of the first year.


And young entrepreneur Anton Smith, aged 21, who had dreams of building a franchise when he opened Jamaican food outlet Juicy Patties in the Moor Market food court, is the latest to hand in his notice to the council, branding it ‘bad for business’.


And it is feared the withdrawal of the FreeBee service – one of the incentives traders were given to move from Castle Market but which ceased to run yesterday – could hit more businesses.


Greengrocer Mick Cull, owner of Fruit Fayre and chairman of the Sheffield branch of National Market Traders Federation, said: “Some are only lasting a couple of months, footfall is down massively and going down every week.


“With Castle Market it was surrounded by other shops, you had buses and trams from everywhere in the city stopping there.


“The FreeBee bus was something the council used as a ploy. It’s a long walk for a lot of people down here.


“Unless the council listen to us and do something soon I really worry for the future of this place.”


Punch Stores owner Mark Holmes, also a member of the National Market Traders Federation, added: “I am alright but it is a worrying time. We can see some are struggling and if they close we’re going to get even less people coming through the door than do now.”


Last month the council issued figures which reported the number of visitors to the market had reached one million.


Traders say before they moved in they were promised 100,000 visitors every week but claim during March the number slumped to 57,000.

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999 Tiger Page 5 the STAR


I dont have a copy to hand. I could only see this story from their site, which is light on facts.




I can tell you the break even phase for the market is an occupancy rate of 95%.


On this thread somewhere I put the humber of units which was something like c100.

The councils website says 190, which is patently innacurate. next time you are in then just count and I think you will get circa 20 vacant units


The occupancy rate was something like 83% and or each stall left empt then they were losing £x a week. I did the calculations on another post.


Castle market was losing £1m a year and those losses were increasing.




I dont think the article I linked says much except they are worried about withdrawl of freeb bus and footfall. They make a valid point about critcial mass and being enough of a draw to make it worth a visit. Time for the market management to get working.


It will take two years to get a clear picture.


Some of the stalls were bound to fail anyway. It might be their business plan rather than just the market.


The new cinema complex will also bring more people down the Moor.


---------- Post added 01-04-2014 at 18:18 ----------


Tonka it is early days.

March isnt really a busy month anyway.

Its up to market managment to do their jobs and make it an attractive proposition for stalls to move there.

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I dont have a copy to hand. I could only see this story from their site, which is light on facts.




I can tell you the break even phase for the market is an occupancy rate of 95%.


On this thread somewhere I put the humber of units which was something like c100.

The councils website says 190, which is patently innacurate. next time you are in then just count and I think you will get circa 20 vacant units


The occupancy rate was something like 83% and or each stall left empt then they were losing £x a week. I did the calculations on another post.


Castle market was losing £1m a year and those losses were increasing.




I dont think the article I linked says much except they are worried about withdrawl of freeb bus and footfall. They make a valid point about critcial mass and being enough of a draw to make it worth a visit. Time for the market management to get working.


It will take two years to get a clear picture.


Some of the stalls were bound to fail anyway. It might be their business plan rather than just the market.


The new cinema complex will also bring more people down the Moor.


---------- Post added 01-04-2014 at 18:18 ----------


Tonka it is early days.

March isnt really a busy month anyway.

Its up to market managment to do their jobs and make it an attractive proposition for stalls to move there.


Indeed it is, but I'm not sure a cinema is going to bring many folk in to a market. I think they operate at different times of day. Even if they have a matinee I'm not sure folk sit around in a cinema for 2 1/2 hours with a bag full of fish.

The market traders got the best possible launch. It opened on the run up to Christmas. The traders were given a rent free period and a free bus. The place was swamped by the curious. I'm not sure it will be that good again. Potential new blood coming in will be aware that they are filling dead man's shoes, and will know they won't get that rent free run.


It has been said many times and it upsets the die hards, but the fact remains it is in a dead end. You can't park and load your shopping from trolley to car and the rents are outrageous.

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Its all deja Vu we have debated all these issues ad nauseam before.


The cinema complex looks as though it will be huge, it isnt just the cinema that is planned for there. there will be other shops and restaurants.


Will it be that good again, depends whether they can develop the site. Businesses tend to take time to develop and estanlish their customer base. They dont expect to make profits until quyite a long lead in time.


Filling dead mens shoes? Again a prospective business will know what nevironment they are going into. the fact a fish seller or someone who sells jamaican patties or pet food closes down might have very little impact on my business plan.


You dont know what rent deal they will get.


You couldmt park and load shopping from trolley to car in castle market either in fact o dont know of any markets that do use shopping trolleys. There is plenty of cheap nearby parking.


How are the rents outrageous if they are the same level as those in Crystal Peaks?

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