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The New Moor Market

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They had artisan bakers in Castle Market & drove them away, wouldn't allow them in the new market early enough to bake bread.


There is quality food there, not as much as at Castle Market, but a few of the stalls are still trading.


I'm not sure what SCC are thinking if they're turning down applications for stalls when it's half empty.


I would have put the opening of the new market back a year, that way it would be 100% full from the start :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure what SCC are thinking if they're turning down applications for stalls when it's half empty.


1) They don't want stalls which will only be there for a week before closing due to poor business planning

2) They don't want the entire market filled with the same products

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1) They don't want stalls which will only be there for a week before closing due to poor business planning

2) They don't want the entire market filled with the same products


1) They turned down stalls that had been successful in Castle Market & they've already had a few stalls that closed in a few weeks due to poor planning.

2) Half the market is empty & why should the council decide what products people can buy. They should let people open stalls & if customers don't want to buy the products the stalls are selling that's the stall's problem.

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You certainly wouldn't like SCC to be running a private enterprise that you were a shareholder in would you? When will the city wise up and kick em out. kinda makes me glad I'm only back in Sheffield temporarily!


SCC couldn't run a bath, in fact they couldn't run full stop as the recent marathon fiasco contests :suspect:

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1) They turned down stalls that had been successful in Castle Market & they've already had a few stalls that closed in a few weeks due to poor planning.

2) Half the market is empty & why should the council decide what products people can buy. They should let people open stalls & if customers don't want to buy the products the stalls are selling that's the stall's problem.


What's wrong with trying to weed out the stalls which have very little hope of succeeding?


Nobody would visit the market if every stall sold the same products. Every successful market has always had a wide range of products on sale. If nobody visits the market because there's no stalls they're interested in buying from, that's more than just the stallholders problem.


I agree, they should get their rear ends in gear and actually get people off the waiting list and into the market, but it would be foolish to just take whoever is at the top of the list with no checks or limits, throw them in and hope for the best.


SCC couldn't run a bath, in fact they couldn't run full stop as the recent marathon fiasco contests :suspect:


I do wish you rhetoric against the council was based on some sort of reality. You do realise the council don't organise the marathon, right?

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What's wrong with trying to weed out the stalls which have very little hope of succeeding?


I do wish you rhetoric against the council was based on some sort of reality. You do realise the council don't organise the marathon, right?


Who is to say what type of businesses will prosper? I don't think I would want to set up a stall just because the council wanted me to sell their idea of what would sell.

In that respect it is like the marathon. The council choose their business partners, and it seems that they can't find enough of them prepared to sing from their hymn sheet.

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