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The New Moor Market

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The council have got a consortium including the University looking at restoring footfall in the Castle Market area by utilising some of the old buildings.


This should tie up nicely with the old Post Office being brought back to life by the Poly and will hopefully, with the aid of Scottish Widows involvement, set the wheels in motion to join the two ends together again and at last give Meadowhall a run for it's money.

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The council have got a consortium including the University looking at restoring footfall in the Castle Market area by utilising some of the old buildings.


This should tie up nicely with the old Post Office being brought back to life by the Poly and will hopefully, with the aid of Scottish Widows involvement, set the wheels in motion to join the two ends together again and at last give Meadowhall a run for it's money.


So its going to be a poly building? Thought they might restore it to a hotel.


Be a long time before and if ever it challenges Meadowhall, simply not the same retail outlets.


Footfall will change quite a lot when Primark and Wilko move. Will also mean anything below High Street will be much quieter. They still need severnstone.

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In think you'll find when built they were the Centre for Popular Music, and were an unmitigated white elephant & disaster zone.


That's true - the problem there was that the National Centre for Popular Music didn't really know what it was supposed to be. A museum without any exhibits was one description.


Maybe that's the problem with the market - it doesn't know whether it wants to be cheap and cheerful, or trendy selling specialist goods?


And of course as I mentioned a few pages back, the other problem seems to be that those who are most vocal seem to want the market to fail. I am surprised that the stall holders themselves are not doing more to promote it. It doesn't need a dedicated bus but why not club together to pay for some advertising on the buses to say "Catch number xxx to the Market" ?

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It is meant to be part of SCC's masterplan. Put the markets at the bottom of the Moor to regenerate that area, and then hope that people will then walk up the Moor visiting other shops on the way.


The more I go in the more I realise that they have messed up big time. If you are going to make a market cool and trendy, then you need to go full hog and offer high end products and top class food. This market does not know what it wants to be.


A market any where in the World is a public meeting place.

A place where folk gather to converse , meet and trade.

It is usually in a central location and in some cases the buildings are old , smelly and neglected.


This is not detriment to a good market as the main function is that people will be able to offer and buy the goods on display at a fair price due to the low overheads involved in Market trading.

What Sheffield planners and councillors have managed to achieve is the very opposite of that tradition .


They have done this before on numerous occasions but it seems that at the end of the day all they are interested in is lets change it for change sake syndrome and without fail that policy has cost this City millions.


---------- Post added 27-04-2014 at 18:57 ----------


That's true - the problem there was that the National Centre for Popular Music didn't really know what it was supposed to be. A museum without any exhibits was one description.


Maybe that's the problem with the market - it doesn't know whether it wants to be cheap and cheerful, or trendy selling specialist goods?


And of course as I mentioned a few pages back, the other problem seems to be that those who are most vocal seem to want the market to fail. I am surprised that the stall holders themselves are not doing more to promote it. It doesn't need a dedicated bus but why not club together to pay for some advertising on the buses to say "Catch number xxx to the Market" ?


There are still signs scattered around the City encouraging shoppers to visit CASTLE MARKET.

I will be having a wonder down Exchange Street tomorrow to show a bit of support to the poor sods who have been left to trade there , out on a limb and with no support whatsoever from the caring council.

Edited by cuttsie
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Yes castle market was old smelly and falling down plus it was in serious disrepair with a lot of undesirables hanging round outside. I didnt mind going, but plenty did hence its decline.


What they should have done is sold the market building to the stallholders for its commercial value and then they could have charged what rents and service charges they liked. They wouldnt have to charge rents at all.

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Are you a resident of Chesterfield?As according to their Website the free parking is for residents only and only at specified times ie before 10 am and

after 3PM


Why would I need to be a resident. There is car park close to the market place that offers 2 hours free parking. I stick my car in there about once a week. It is just enough time for a stroll around Chesterfield centre, probably taking in the market, having a coffee and cakes in a decent cafe or even lunch in a pub.

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I hope it works out but having visited several times and seeing empty stalls and bits of paper on shutters saying re-open Monday on fri/Saturdays which is supposed to be main trading days,and what happened to this huge waiting list,or why not let traders rent for a short time to try,thus working both ways,but it doesn't help the council chopping and changing what is happening in the area

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Yes castle market was old smelly and falling down plus it was in serious disrepair with a lot of undesirables hanging round outside. I didnt mind going, but plenty did hence its decline.


What they should have done is sold the market building to the stallholders for its commercial value and then they could have charged what rents and service charges they liked. They wouldnt have to charge rents at all.

Who were the undesirables and where are they now.


The Castle Market was not falling down the structure was and still is as solid as the day it was built in 1960.

The roof had been allowed to fall into disrepair and who ever was in charge of building maintenance should have been sacked , I have been up there in the last two years and it was a disgrace.

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