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The New Moor Market

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yes it was feeble becayse he doesnt have any suggestion as where it might be.


Did you use the old market on a regular basis?


You whine on about sheffield and how you dont go there. Why are you so bothered as you dont miss a chance to talk the place down. You simply never have anything constryctive to say anna glypta on this account or the others you use.

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Many times its been pointed out that the way people shop has changed. same impact on the success that was castle market as the new moor market.
Markets are still thriving in other towns and cities so I think that's a bit of a cop-out. Putting a market on the edge like that never made a lick of sense. Although I'm sure that SCC had a long consultation process involving paying lots of money to lots of their mates saying that it did make perfect sense.


I'm not sure where it could have been re-located. It's difficult because the heart of the city stalled when the council made a pigs out of Sevenstone. Really it would be best located round about where the run down Salvation army building is.


But obviously nothing is ever easy or done even remotely right in Sheffield.

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An article on B.B.C. Look North tonight 6.30 P.M about the new Market.


You could not make it up!.


Cuttsie explain the could not make it up comment. having watched the piece about the market it was rather unremarkable. What did you have difficulty understanding or find so amazing? That a news programme did a piece on a local issue?

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It might be in the wrong place, but it's not the end of the world is it?


That end of town needed something, and if the building fails as a market it can always be used for something else. :|

And where does that leave the traditional Market area of OUR:rolleyes: City go and have a look around; boarded up buildings abandoned awaiting the next hair brained scheme to come out of what is laughingly called Town Planners.

The old Town Hall abandoned awaiting the day when the building is so beyond repair the only option will be demolition [as has happened to the Castle Market].

Cross over the road and enter into Castle House [a listed building] again abandoned to await the grand plan that will never materialise .

Have a look at the Rotherham House pub abandoned ,a pub that would be the heart of the traditional Markets area if it along with the whole area could have had the money thrown at it that is now the privilege of the Flagship Moor.

[A Street that it seems is no longer owned by the citizens of Sheffield but by some finance house in Scotland.]


Bring on the wrecking ball at Exchange St, [it was supposed to be next month wasn't it].


Bring on the final destruction of the oldest recorded trading area in Sheffield.


Good job done!!!! planners my ---.

Edited by cuttsie
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Markets are still thriving in other towns and cities so I think that's a bit of a cop-out. Putting a market on the edge like that never made a lick of sense. Although I'm sure that SCC had a long consultation process involving paying lots of money to lots of their mates saying that it did make perfect sense.


I'm not sure where it could have been re-located. It's difficult because the heart of the city stalled when the council made a pigs out of Sevenstone. Really it would be best located round about where the run down Salvation army building is.


But obviously nothing is ever easy or done even remotely right in Sheffield.


But you have to treat retail areas along with their unique challenges.

Its not a cop out to say people use supermarkets , the internet and Meadowhall. thats an economic fact and where a big % of the money goes.


Sheaf market and Castle market were in steady decline for the last 30+ years. Because they had less customers as people shop elsewhere. They shop elsewhere for a number of reasons, which might include parking/ convenience, but it also includes limited range of goods that are available.Thats not a cop out to say that.


All very well some people moaning on about footfall, but as business people the stall holders should be selling what people want. Many of the stalls in the new market come directly from castle market, but you would have to question whether they have a strong enough draw to make them viable businesses considering the local competition.

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Cuttsie explain the could not make it up comment. having watched the piece about the market it was rather unremarkable. What did you have difficulty understanding or find so amazing? That a news programme did a piece on a local issue?

Trigger, You could make up the fact that a set of nut cases has moved the whole Market area to a site that is completely inappropriate and therefore has to be discussed on National T.V. once again making our City a laughing stock especially up the road in Leeds a City that seems to be going from strength to strength along with many new shopping Malls and business complexes.

That is why you could not make it up if you tried.


---------- Post added 29-05-2014 at 13:49 ----------


But you have to treat retail areas along with their unique challenges.

Its not a cop out to say people use supermarkets , the internet and Meadowhall. thats an economic fact and where a big % of the money goes.


Sheaf market and Castle market were in steady decline for the last 30+ years. Because they had less customers as people shop elsewhere. They shop elsewhere for a number of reasons, which might include parking/ convenience, but it also includes limited range of goods that are available.Thats not a cop out to say that.


All very well some people moaning on about footfall, but as business people the stall holders should be selling what people want. Many of the stalls in the new market come directly from castle market, but you would have to question whether they have a strong enough draw to make them viable businesses considering the local competition.

They have not been in decline for thirty plus years and the Castle Market only three years ago was getting 80,000 footfall through the doors and even in its last sad days was getting more than the bloody Nissan hut at Moor foot.

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Wasnt the article I saw on Look North. It was quite a balanced and mundane piece but you do like to misrepresent things. Look north is regional tv. there was nothing about sheffield being a laughing stick although you and anna like to talk the place down. The article actually provided a couple of new bits of information.


Leeds might be thriving not because of its market but because it has a stronger local economy, which means more people have money to spend and that attracts developers who think its worth their while investing.


You really are a stuck in the past drama queen. It isnt the 1950's anymore.

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Wasnt the article I saw on Look North. It was quite a balanced and mundane piece but you do like to misrepresent things. Look north is regional tv. there was nothing about sheffield being a laughing stick although you and anna like to talk the place down. The article actually provided a couple of new bits of information.


Leeds might be thriving not because of its market but because it has a stronger local economy, which means more people have money to spend and that attracts developers who think its worth their while investing.


You really are a stuck in the past drama queen. It isnt the 1950's anymore.


Yes it is, he will be going down the "rag and tag" in the morning (as its shut this afternoon given the weird Sheffield thing where the place shut down on a Thursday afternoon) and then off to Cole Brothers.

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Hey tigger, I know that it isn't as easy to sell a market as it would have been 20-30 years.


I also know that SCC will come out with any number of excuses along those lines but the fact is that their ever reliable incompetence has been a big factor in its failure.


It was always going to be a challenge. Buts its one that true to form SCC have failed miserably.

They will pass the buck and ignore that successful markets are still going strong in other towns and cities which aren't run by cronyism.


Tbh I was surprised that Scottish Widows ever went along with the plans to plonk it there in the first place. More fool them. Or more fool us because we are stuck with it.

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