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The New Moor Market

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None that I can think of other than that for blue badge holders.


That's probably why the old market was dying, the new one is failing and the town centre consists of pound shops, betting shops and boarded up shops.


I use the very vibrant market in Chesterfield where I can park for free, get a decent cup of fresh ground coffee and home made cakes.


There's not much point telling folk they can park there for a couple of quid or walk 500 yards with their bags of purchases. They aren't interested. They are voting with their feet and shopping elsewhere at a place they find convenient, not one others think they should be prepared to tollerate.


---------- Post added 17-06-2014 at 17:07 ----------


Think all you want, it is one of main reasons many of my friends have stopped going to new market.


I suspect you are wasting your breath. The powers that be aren't interested in anyone's point of view if it differs from their's.

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The section of The Moor around the new market is busier than I've ever seen it. What would be interesting to know is how much of that is going to the market itself or how much to Poundland, Iceland and TJ Hughes-land...

Anyone have any solid figures?

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If there was a free car park, the complaints would be that it's too far away.


If there was a free car park, next door, the complaints would be that shoppers don't want to get wet walking between the car park and the market.


If there was a free car park, in the same building as the market, the complaints would be that the car park is too difficult to get to.


If there was a free car park, in the same building as the market, with direct access from every road in the city, the complaints would be that the council has bent over backwards for car drivers but made it too difficult for pedestrians to get there.


The same people would complain whatever the council did, either because they love to pick fault, don't believe in the word compromise, or so dearly loved the old castle market such that no replacement would ever be suitable.


But as the footfall is 40% down on what the council told traders to expect and they are quitting the place despite the extended rent free period, just going on about the customers moaning doesn't really cut it. What is needed is someone to do something to reverse the decline not someone to tell customers they got it wrong.


---------- Post added 17-06-2014 at 17:24 ----------


The section of The Moor around the new market is busier than I've ever seen it. What would be interesting to know is how much of that is going to the market itself or how much to Poundland, Iceland and TJ Hughes-land...

Anyone have any solid figures?


Not exact figure for the other places but there are counts of those going through the doors at the Moor Market which seems to be averaging around 57-59,000 per week, and not the 100,000 that the council promised to traders. This despite many folk in that part of town just popping in to use the toilets. They are part of the head count despite not actually buying anything.

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But as the footfall is 40% down on what the council told traders to expect and they are quitting the place despite the extended rent free period, just going on about the customers moaning doesn't really cut it.


The people moaning about car parking at the new market are simply doing that - moaning.


The parking situation at the new market is at least as good as the old market - the place the same moaners tell us was wonderful... But, the new market is not doing any worse than the old market. Yes, it's doing worse than predicted, but predictions can be, and often are, completely wrong.



What is needed is someone to do something to reverse the decline not someone to tell customers they got it wrong.


And that's simply not going to happen by building a new free car park, moving all the buses to stop in the market foyer, providing a rikshaw system to link in with the tram, or opening the old market.


Maybe the people who can't stop complaining could offer some helpful, constructive ideas to improve the market rather than being completely negative about the project and blaming it on impossible to alter factors?


This despite many folk in that part of town just popping in to use the toilets. They are part of the head count despite not actually buying anything.


How can they be just popping in to use the toilets, if as you and others have said, the market is too difficult / expensive to access by normal people?


How many people popped into Castle Market to use the toi... actually, yeah, probably none.

Edited by dosxuk
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The people moaning about car parking at the new market are simply doing that - moaning.


The parking situation at the new market is at least as good as the old market - the place the same moaners tell us was wonderful... But, the new market is not doing any worse than the old market. Yes, it's doing worse than predicted, but predictions can be, and often are, completely wrong.





And that's simply not going to happen by building a new free car park, moving all the buses to stop in the market foyer, providing a rikshaw system to link in with the tram, or opening the old market.


Maybe the people who can't stop complaining could offer some helpful, constructive ideas to improve the market rather than being completely negative about the project and blaming it on impossible to alter factors?




How can they be just popping in to use the toilets, if as you and others have said, the market is too difficult / expensive to access by normal people?


How many people popped into Castle Market to use the toi... actually, yeah, probably none.


I'm not being negative old boy. I'm a regular shopper at Chesterfield Market. I tried the Moor Market and thought it was inconvenient for the reasons that you seem to want to be-little.

You know you can set up a bacon buttie stall alongside a synagogue. If you don't get customers you have 2 options.

One is to give the customers what they want. The Second is to try to persuade them to eat what you sell.


Unfortunately if you choose option 2 the customer also has 2 options.

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I'm not being negative old boy. I'm a regular shopper at Chesterfield Market. I tried the Moor Market and thought it was inconvenient for the reasons that you seem to want to be-little.

You know you can set up a bacon buttie stall alongside a synagogue. If you don't get customers you have 2 options.

One is to give the customers what they want. The Second is to try to persuade them to eat what you sell.


Unfortunately if you choose option 2 the customer also has 2 options.


Must be a quiet day at Chesterfield if their traders are bored enough to come here slagging our market off.

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The new markets are a much nicer place to be and are very easily accessible.


Has anyone thought the issue might be with the traders being out of line with what potential customers want rather than the building?


The ones who have moved to other places seem to be doing OK.


---------- Post added 17-06-2014 at 17:44 ----------


Must be a quiet day at Chesterfield if their traders are bored enough to come here slagging our market off.


You've lost me there.:huh::huh:

Edited by tonkatoy
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You know you can set up a bacon buttie stall alongside a synagogue. If you don't get customers you have 2 options.

One is to give the customers what they want. The Second is to try to persuade them to eat what you sell.


Unfortunately if you choose option 2 the customer also has 2 options.


The people complaining about bus stops, car parks and too many people using the toilet seem to be opting for the second of your options.

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