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The New Moor Market

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....moving the market to an upmarket area ......


You have said on a previous post that you rarely come into the city centre. You've also said that the MSC building cuts the Moor off from the rest of civilisation.


And now that same isolated Moor is an upmarket area despite the fact that you think no one can access it, something you wouldn't know anyway due to the infrequent times you come to Sheffield.

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You have said on a previous post that you rarely come into the city centre. You've also said that the MSC building cuts the Moor off from the rest of civilisation.


And now that same isolated Moor is an upmarket area despite the fact that you think no one can access it, something you wouldn't know anyway due to the infrequent times you come to Sheffield.


I come into Sheffield infrequently. It doesn't really change on a daily basis. Last time I popped by it was just as desolate as it was a month or two back.


---------- Post added 18-06-2014 at 10:00 ----------


Which is exactly how the Council's city centre masterplan wants it. That area is due for redevelopment and the masterplan sees it as having offices bars / leisure. The retail will be condensed onto the Moor and the New Retail Quarter


Lets hope the master plan is a damned sight better than the last one and they've sacked those in charge of Sevenstones. It is perhaps down to the qualityof Sheffield planners that the Moor, Wicker and Haymarket have declined into the shambolic places they are today. Just who had the master plan to run the city centre and Haymarket into the ground in the first place.


---------- Post added 18-06-2014 at 10:12 ----------


Some people talking about the virtues of Chesterfield market. However I have been to Chesterfield 8 or 9 times this year and on about half of those it was closed (apparently it is open only 3 or 4 days) and on the days it was open only about half of the stalls were open so hardly thriving or booming. As for free parking - where? - parked near currys certainly not right on the doorstep since the free parking during the day would be just as close if not closer in Sheffield. As for the indoor food bit - very poor. Plenty of pubs and cafes - not in the market and less within a short distance than Sheffield. Department stores - nope. Sorry but Chesterfield has little to offer-the best store in Chesterfield was the co-op and that is long gone.


Chesterfield Market is open 3 days a week. Its hardly a problem. That's how markets traditionally operate. The traders trade in various other markets on different days. If you want to shop at Chesterfield Market you go on a market day. Its a bit like going to any shop. You pick a time when its open.

You clearly go to a different Chesterfield from the rest of us if you claim there are no pubs in Chesterfield Market. There are 3 with stalls set up outside their front doors. The Market (the names a give away) The Sun and the Portland (Wetherspoon) allface straight on to the market streets. and others are on the streets in between.

Let me know the names of all these pubs that are more convenient in Sheffield Market.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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So now the Moor Market will be unsuccessful because there's no pubs near it ?! I still wanna know how you can class the bottom of the moor as prime development land ?


And how the Moor Market is so inaccessible ?!


Well you said it. The Moor should be prime development land. It certainly was before they build the Manpower building and blocked it off. It shows how the status of land can be downgraded by the stupidity of the planners. I suppose they built the market there because no one else wanted to build there. It is only valuable land in that it is worth more than the land around Haymarket that has been totally devalued, and now that the market has moved from there even the low grade shops are pulling out.


There are pubs where folk want to use them. They sprang up around Markets years ago because that's where folk shopped. The market place in Chesterfield is littered with them. On market days the cafes and pubs around the market are stuffed with folk taking a break from their shopping. It is also a tourist attraction.


The Moor Market is a bit of a duck out of water. It is in a dead zone without pubs. Unless the footfall increases the traders are likely to pull out. Without anything else to attract folk I can't see footfall increasing. Without increased trade it is difficult to see the council being able to charge the rents it has planned. Without the rents being paid it is difficult to see how the cost of building the place will be recovered.

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3 days a week is a problem if your most convenient day to visit is when it is closed, tradition has nothing to do with it, traditionally shops had less opening hours and had half day closing (usually Wednesday) and were shut on Sundays but that isn't the case anymore. On the days that it was open there weren't many people there and only about half the stalls were open and of those some appeared very limited such as the lad selling ironing board covers. Although it is of less importance of the pubs you mentioned only the market is on the edge of the market (not in it) and it isn't very good anyway. Of the others which are on west bars the Sun is a dive but I suppose the Portland is ok for a Wetherspoons. There are plenty of cafes and places to dine in and around Sheffield market and a lot of pubs within walking distance but just far enough to keep most of the dinner time alcoholics away (please note I don't mean folk who occasionally have a dinner time drink as I am prone to do so myself). Due to working there for 6 years I have a soft spot for Chesterfield but I'm sorry it does not appear to be a thriving little market town from my experience. I can remember days when all the stalls were full now only about half, how is that thriving? Give me Sheffield anytime.

Edited by Joe-b-1
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On market days the cafes and pubs around the market are stuffed with folk taking a break from their shopping. It is also a tourist attraction.


Incredible :D Who needs Disneyland when you have places like Chesterfield Market on your doorstep eh? With 3 (THREE!) pubs. And cafe's!

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Some people talking about the virtues of Chesterfield market. However I have been to Chesterfield 8 or 9 times this year and on about half of those it was closed (apparently it is open only 3 or 4 days) and on the days it was open only about half of the stalls were open so hardly thriving or booming. As for free parking - where? - parked near currys certainly not right on the doorstep since the free parking during the day would be just as close if not closer in Sheffield. As for the indoor food bit - very poor. Plenty of pubs and cafes - not in the market and less within a short distance than Sheffield. Department stores - nope. Sorry but Chesterfield has little to offer-the best store in Chesterfield was the co-op and that is long gone.


I fully agree.


The fact remains that there are people out there that are desperate for the market to fail for no other reason to have a dig at the council.

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I fully agree.


The fact remains that there are people out there that are desperate for the market to fail for no other reason to have a dig at the council.


Actually it seems to me that with the council unable to charge rent on the stalls in the new market, customer numbers 40% below projections, empty stall abounding and stall holders leaving for elsewhere that the new market isn't a success.


The fact remains that there are people out there that are desperate to talk up the market and deflect blame from the council.


---------- Post added 18-06-2014 at 13:32 ----------


Incredible :D Who needs Disneyland when you have places like Chesterfield Market on your doorstep eh? With 3 (THREE!) pubs. And cafe's!


It is a bit like Diisneyland in that it has crowds of customers.

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Actually it seems to me that with the council unable to charge rent on the stalls in the new market, customer numbers 40% below projections, empty stall abounding and stall holders leaving for elsewhere that the new market isn't a success.


The fact remains that there are people out there that are desperate to talk up the market and deflect blame from the council.


---------- Post added 18-06-2014 at 13:32 ----------



It is a bit like Diisneyland in that it has crowds of customers.


People have mentioned the new Chesterfield Market on a square footage i wood say there are more people going in the Sheffield market per square foot, at least thats what it seems when i have been in it. The majority of people in the Chesterfield one seem to be in the cafe.

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