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The New Moor Market

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People have mentioned the new Chesterfield Market on a square footage i wood say there are more people going in the Sheffield market per square foot, at least thats what it seems when i have been in it.


I fully agree. Chesterfield market is a sprall over market squares and cobbled streets. All told the area must be many times that of the Sheffield Market. But it is the sort of place where folk might spend 2 or 3 hours mixing shopping with lunch and a coffee or two. I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend that long in the Moor Market. Taking into account the population of Sheffield in 15 times greater than the population of Chesterfield, it is pretty clear that far more folks from Chesterfield use their market than is the case in Sheffield, and far more folk from Sheffield use Chesterfield market than the other way around.

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So now the Moor Market will be unsuccessful because there's no pubs near it ?! I still wanna know how you can class the bottom of the moor as prime development land ?


And how the Moor Market is so inaccessible ?!


I would think that if you knocked everything down on Haymarket. It'd probably fetch as much as the Moor Market site perhaps even more given it's close to the courts and other offices that have been built along the river.


Pubs in relation to shopping seem like a corner case and perhaps something from a bygone age when people couldn't go a couple of hours without a pint, how many supermarkets are built next to a pub? how many pubs have been built next to supermarkets since they provide such good trade? Sure you can go on a 'day out' to Chesterfield market but is that the group of people castle market or the moor market ever attracted or held?

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Actually it seems to me that with the council unable to charge rent on the stalls in the new market, customer numbers 40% below projections, empty stall abounding and stall holders leaving for elsewhere that the new market isn't a success.


The fact remains that there are people out there that are desperate to talk up the market and deflect blame from the council.


---------- Post added 18-06-2014 at 13:32 ----------



It is a bit like Diisneyland in that it has crowds of customers.


Disneyland Paris was slated when it first opened as being too expensive and wrongly situated, it's now very successful.

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just seen (and purchased from) the lovely looking and smelling new coffee stall. very good indeed, and reasonably priced for a high end product and service.


also seen that the same artisan bakers that have opened up in Hillsborough have a stall now as well - clustered into the same area as the nice deli and the organic greengrocers.


looks to me that the market is beginning to reposition itself pretty nicely, despite the naysayers.


now i can get close to 100% of my weekly shop in there with no problems at all, from coffee to beer with cheese, meat and everything in between, all at higher quality and competitively priced compared to the supermarket alternatives.


just want a nice coffee and doughnut stall in the food hall, and i'll be delighted - perhaps the artisan bakers and coffee stall should get together and run a takeaway as well! :D

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Doesn't answer the question of why castle was so accessible however , not really sure the bottom of the moor could be called an upmarket area and land was clearly not going to be at a premium down there as it also had been neglected


You can sit around blaming the council for everything all you like , i by no means like them myself ! But the Moor Market will only be successful if the traders get positive and concentrate on what they can affect instead of what they can't and point fingers at who's fault it is there buisness is failing , find out what customer demand is and change to offer it ! Can't just expect what worked in castle will work in the Moor


And the people of the Sheffield need to support it , it is not inaccessible i don't see it as an issue whatsoever , the layout is questionable , the opening times are restrictive and possibly out of touch with what people need these days so let's get these points raised and see about having a market that works for us all ! And we can all use for many years to come




I think the old Castle market was probably more accessible for people using the bus which would come in at Pond Street bus station. Then just a short walk (past other shops) to market.


I wouldn't fancy hauling 3 or 4 bags of shopping from new market back to Pond Street, (or having to take two buses.)


The Moor is also not properly redeveloped yet with a lot empty shops and demolition going on all around which doesn't help.

I think you're right to say Traders need to stay positive, (there's lots they could do,) and Sheffield people should support it, but one of the main reasons people shop in markets is because prices are cheaper, and that can only happen if overheads are also cheaper. Originally market stalls were a bench in the open air with a tarpaulin for shelter so very cheap. Things have moved on since then of course, but the same premise survives.

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And yet you're on here every day telling Sheffielders how they should run their city.


I think you miss the point. I come into Sheffield infrequently because there is not much left in Sheffield to attract folk in. If that is the general idea then take no notice of folk who say why they don't shop in Sheffield. If on the other hand they want to attract folk into the market they need to take notice of folk who don't shop there and perhaps take measures to attract them. Otherwise the market will continue to attract too few shoppers to make it viable and will become a deserted ruin like Don Valley Stadium and the canal basin in 5 more years.

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If that is the general idea then take no notice of folk who say why they don't shop in Sheffield. If on the other hand they want to attract folk into the market they need to take notice of folk who don't shop there and perhaps take measures to attract them.


Except the measures you and others want are unsuitable for a city centre location.


Free parking - not going to happen.

Moving the bus stops - some already stop a few metres away, yet you complain they're too far away - pointless.

Poor road access - the car park has a direct road straight to the ring road, far better than the old market.

Knock down the manpower building - you're off into fantasy land.

Reopen castle market - will do nothing to increase the numbers.

Not enough pubs - only a fraction of the customer base want to be able to get a pint halfway through their shopping, and still, there will be bars and restaurants opening just down the road when the cinema block opens.


None of these "measures" will attract more people to the market, it's just wingeing for the sake of it. Come up with a positive measure to attract more people and maybe the council will listen. If you keep going on about how the car parks are too far away, they'll continue to ignore you.

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Except the measures you and others want are unsuitable for a city centre location.


Free parking - not going to happen.

Moving the bus stops - some already stop a few metres away, yet you complain they're too far away - pointless.

Poor road access - the car park has a direct road straight to the ring road, far better than the old market.

Knock down the manpower building - you're off into fantasy land.

Reopen castle market - will do nothing to increase the numbers.

Not enough pubs - only a fraction of the customer base want to be able to get a pint halfway through their shopping, and still, there will be bars and restaurants opening just down the road when the cinema block opens.


None of these "measures" will attract more people to the market, it's just wingeing for the sake of it. Come up with a positive measure to attract more people and maybe the council will listen. If you keep going on about how the car parks are too far away, they'll continue to ignore you.


Hey that's fine by me. The council can ignore me. They can ignore anyone else who has an opinion that they might not like. I have a choice. If the council want me and folk who think the same as me to spend our money in Sheffield, they need to take on board that we have the option to shop elsewhere, and by the look of things at the new market many are doing just that.

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The council can ignore me. They can ignore anyone else who has an opinion that they might not like. I have a choice.


Somebody complaining that the car parks are too far away, at about 10 metres, is either deluded or just complaining for the sake of it. It's not about having an opinion they might not like, it about ignoring people complaining about something they obviously have no clue about.


It's like McDonalds ignoring the complaints they get about the DHMO they put in their food and drinks.

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