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The New Moor Market

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Are taking is different from have taken.

The stall holders dont want to pay any rent, admittedly some of them arent making enough to pay any rent. Does that mean the Council/ Council tax payers should subsidise them?


Similar problem in Castle market where for years a lot of the stalls only survived becayse they had big rent subsidies.



It will be interesting to see what the legal advice will be about? Maybe its about the predicted footfall?


However they were still in a situation where castle market was going to close, so they would have had their teancies terminated. Similar situation in the new market if they dont like it they can quit. The Council will have to make the decision as to how long it will subsidise the market for? Rent free for another two years? That will just have them rescheduling the loan, which costs everyone more money.


IF after Primark moves in it doesnt show a significant upswing, then they will have to consider closing it if it shows no sign of paying its way. Its not hard to see why some of the stalls dont do good business when you look at whats on offer. They should sell what people want.


Trouble for the market is there are already several viable alternatives offering what people want - they're called supermarkets, they sell everything that people want at times convenient to busy workers and offer free parking to boot.

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Trouble for the market is there are already several viable alternatives offering what people want - they're called supermarkets, they sell everything that people want at times convenient to busy workers and offer free parking to boot.


which has already been said a zillion times. Any new perspectives?

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which has already been said a zillion times. Any new perspectives?


Why have a new perspective when the one being put forward is correct - the Castle and new Moor markets have both floundered whilst supermarkets have and continue to prosper.


Lets face facts - if people wanted to shop at Sheffield's markets they would and this thread would be redundant.

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Why have a new perspective when the one being put forward is correct - the Castle and new Moor markets have both floundered whilst supermarkets have and continue to prosper.


Lets face facts - if people wanted to shop at Sheffield's markets they would and this thread would be redundant.


Because you arent saying anything new. Just surprised me that youd bother to repeat whats been said 20-30 times already, especially when nobody is disagreeing, but fill your boots.


---------- Post added 17-08-2014 at 17:57 ----------


According to the star in return for lower rents the council wants to introduce new tenancy agreements. I'd call in the lawyers at this point as a matter of routine, I'm sure most businesses wouldn't just blindly sign any old contract, particularly when the previous contract has been in place for less than a year. The media and the market traders representative Bingham seem to overplaying this, call the lawyers in and get mad when said lawyers tell you're being screwed not before.



So really smiggs it doesnt amount to much and is either stating the obvious or the Star is making more of it than there is. Completely agree calling in lawyers to review new contracts is perfectly normal. I was looking at it more from the angle if they believed they had a case against the Council. If the Council want they can just shut it down and issue suitable termination notices. If the stalls want to make more money then they should worry more about selling what people want to buy and if they cant make a go of it, then consider a more radical rethink.

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Are taking is different from have taken.

The stall holders dont want to pay any rent, admittedly some of them arent making enough to pay any rent. Does that mean the Council/ Council tax payers should subsidise them?


Similar problem in Castle market where for years a lot of the stalls only survived becayse they had big rent subsidies.



It will be interesting to see what the legal advice will be about? Maybe its about the predicted footfall?


However they were still in a situation where castle market was going to close, so they would have had their teancies terminated. Similar situation in the new market if they dont like it they can quit. The Council will have to make the decision as to how long it will subsidise the market for? Rent free for another two years? That will just have them rescheduling the loan, which costs everyone more money.


IF after Primark moves in it doesnt show a significant upswing, then they will have to consider closing it if it shows no sign of paying its way. Its not hard to see why some of the stalls dont do good business when you look at whats on offer. They should sell what people want.

So come on what do people want from a Market if not meat ,fish, bread ,fancy goods and tat.


That is what Markets are about, no fancy goods at prices people can not afford ,if you want that go to Sainsbury's or John Lewis . Markets World wide are where the poorer people meet,shop and converse ,Sheffield planners seem to think that everything has to be pristine and shiny perhaps due to the environment that they have or are used to.


They should have asked the Castle Market every day users what they thought about moving to the other end of Town and acted upon that information , but no they can not see that this City should cater for all its citizens not only the well healed ones down Ecclesall Road area.

A bullock has been dropped.

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Because you arent saying anything new. Just surprised me that youd bother to repeat whats been said 20-30 times already, especially when nobody is disagreeing, but fill your boots.


Whether anything new is said or not its not going to improve the viability of the new market.


Boots filled, shame the new market ain't, either with stallholders or customers.

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So come on what do people want from a Market if not meat ,fish, bread ,fancy goods and tat.


That is what Markets are about, no fancy goods at prices people can not afford ,if you want that go to Sainsbury's or John Lewis . Markets World wide are where the poorer people meet,shop and converse ,Sheffield planners seem to think that everything has to be pristine and shiny perhaps due to the environment that they have or are used to.


They should have asked the Castle Market every day users what they thought about moving to the other end of Town and acted upon that information , but no they can not see that this City should cater for all its citizens not only the well healed ones down Ecclesall Road area.

A bullock has been dropped.


Isnt that for the stallholders to decide? They are the business people. I would say that by en large the food stalls (excludes the cafes) do a damn sight better than the non food ones. Probably not the fancy goods and tat,especially if they can get that at £land etc.


Its those very poorer people you bang on about who deserted the traditional markets and now go to the suopermarkets and other shops like B&M or £land. Nobody forced them to, they went there because they got better prices and more of what they wanted to buy. The people I see in the market are a big assortment, not really that many well heeled ones from Ecclesall Road. You really are a class and educational snob cuttsie.


If the market was so great why didnt you and your cronies start your own up instead of realying on the Council to provide money to a dwindling number of people. If a market cant be run at break even then maybe they should just let it fold and give in to the changes.

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Isnt that for the stallholders to decide? They are the business people. I would say that by en large the food stalls (excludes the cafes) do a damn sight better than the non food ones. Probably not the fancy goods and tat,especially if they can get that at £land etc.


Its those very poorer people you bang on about who deserted the traditional markets and now go to the suopermarkets and other shops like B&M or £land. Nobody forced them to, they went there because they got better prices and more of what they wanted to buy. The people I see in the market are a big assortment, not really that many well heeled ones from Ecclesall Road. You really are a class and educational snob cuttsie.


If the market was so great why didnt you and your cronies start your own up instead of realying on the Council to provide money to a dwindling number of people. If a market cant be run at break even then maybe they should just let it fold and give in to the changes.

My cronies Frieda and Albert have decided that we may be better going to Barnsley Market as we are in North Sheffield any way.


In doing so we will once again be able to enjoy the social intercourse and peruse the tat , enjoy the cafe's all with their own section and clientele , and last but not least feel as though we are surrounded by the sights and sounds associated with proper Markets World wide.

By the way the Council will not let one start up a Market in Sheffield as they hold the charter for same.


I have never been called an Educational snob before so at last my time spent at Prince Edwards on the Manor Top has born fruit, Thank you ,you have made my day .

Edited by cuttsie
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So come on what do people want from a Market if not meat.....


A bullock has been dropped.


Well that's the meat stall stocked up.


My cronies Frieda and Albert have decided that we may be better going to Barnsley Market as we are in North Sheffield any way.


Better hurry up as they're starting regeneration of it including "the redesign and redevelopment of the metropolitan centre and indoor market...".




I look forward to your thread in a couple of years slagging off Barnsley Market for being all poncy and middle-class.

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So really smiggs it doesnt amount to much and is either stating the obvious or the Star is making more of it than there is. Completely agree calling in lawyers to review new contracts is perfectly normal. I was looking at it more from the angle if they believed they had a case against the Council. If the Council want they can just shut it down and issue suitable termination notices. If the stalls want to make more money then they should worry more about selling what people want to buy and if they cant make a go of it, then consider a more radical rethink.


I'd be staggered if the council had left themselves open to being sued by their tenants because of low footfall it would be ridiculous for the stall holders to actually do it even if they did have a case, the council have been taking a hit on markets in the city centre for a long time it would be an easy excuse for them to simply walk away. The stall holders need to concentrate on making money, airing their dirty laundry in the papers won't help their businesses one bit.

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