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The New Moor Market

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And so now the council are trying to work out why the masses aren't using the market by asking a relative few that regularly do...







"The council says it will use the feedback to compare it to similar data from a focus group one year ago and to ‘shape the market and its marketing plan.’


More than 1,500 people who have market loyalty cards were invited to take part in the focus group.


However, it is only one element of research being carried out, with online and street surveys also under way."




If the council is using the survey to "shape the market and its marketing plan"


I would have thought it would be pointless to use feedback from people

who have never been in the market. That would require a real GENIUS.

Edited by bazjea
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Other than the truly excellent Beer Central (which offers something not available anywhere else in town) I'm not walking for 30 minutes or so to what may as well be North Dronfield. Just not central enough.

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Wish people would stop moaning about the Moor Market. It's self fulfilling prophecy-moan about it enough and it'll never succeed. I cannot believe people seem to actively want the Moor Market to fail and seemingly will take delight in its doing so. Some people need to have a serious think about their attitude.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Wish people would stop moaning about the Moor Market. It's self fulfilling prophecy-moan about it enough and it'll never succeed. I cannot believe people seem to actively want the Moor Market to fail and seemingly will take delight in its doing so. Some people need to have a serious think about their attitude.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


And the people who most need to re-think their attitude is the council.


It was the wrong attitude to believe that the reason the Castle Market was declining was because of its condition. It wasn't. There are an ever increasing number of alternative shopping destinations that are cheaper, open longer hours and offer convenient free parking.


It was also wrong to commit the city to spending tens of millions on a new venture that requires a 95% tenant occupancy rate from day one to just break even. That is based on tenants paying full rent.


After 18 months the market is nowhere near full and tenants are nowhere near paying full rents so the market will not be generating sufficient income to cover its costs.


The market is yet another example of a council project where the benefits are overstated and the income is understated.

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And the people who most need to re-think their attitude is the council.


It was the wrong attitude to believe that the reason the Castle Market was declining was because of its condition. It wasn't. There are an ever increasing number of alternative shopping destinations that are cheaper, open longer hours and offer convenient free parking.


It was also wrong to commit the city to spending tens of millions on a new venture that requires a 95% tenant occupancy rate from day one to just break even. That is based on tenants paying full rent.


After 18 months the market is nowhere near full and tenants are nowhere near paying full rents so the market will not be generating sufficient income to cover its costs.


The market is yet another example of a council project where the benefits are overstated and the income is understated.


The condition of the Castle Market declined because it was allowed to, this along with the whole Markets area .


A big factor in this decline is the insistence by certain organisations that there is some how a Castle waiting to rise from the ashes when the site is cleared.

There may be a pile of rubble here and there but thats it!


A whole historical trading area destroyed by a pipe dream.

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The condition of the Castle Market declined because it was allowed to, this along with the whole Markets area .


A big factor in this decline is the insistence by certain organisations that there is some how a Castle waiting to rise from the ashes when the site is cleared.

There may be a pile of rubble here and there but thats it!


A whole historical trading area destroyed by a pipe dream.


The decline of the markets area predates plans to uncover the Castle, the council were simply negligent don't go blaming groups interested in the Castle for the decline of the market, they only became interested in the schemes to find out what is there when it became clear that Castle market was going to be demolished.

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The decline of the markets area predates plans to uncover the Castle, the council were simply negligent don't go blaming groups interested in the Castle for the decline of the market, they only became interested in the schemes to find out what is there when it became clear that Castle market was going to be demolished.


Surely, if there were anything of historical value under the old market they , that is the people in power at the time , would not have built over it . The New Moor Market has been moved because the Council had an idea that, they would abandon the castlegate area and direct all the retail business to the other side of town . They may have had consultants advising them that, this was for the best . I was speaking to a fruit and veg stallholder today who had a stall on the outside market that was on Fargate recently , she made more money in 3 days on Fargate than 6 days at the Moor , she says that is proof the Market is in the wrong place .

Edited by BIGLIL
bad spelling
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The council do know whats is under the old market we did it in school in the 50s, they also used some stone fron the old castle to build the old market as well, what they want to do now is excavate it and try and make it a tourist area.

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