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The New Moor Market

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We all know the council couldn't manage a **** up in brewery let alone a budget the interesting part of the article:


City Centre Manager Richard Eyre said longer opening hours would help attract people on their way home from work in the city centre.


He said the market, which closes at 17:30, should stay open until 20:00.


However, Mick Cull, of the Moor Market Traders Association, said improved parking facilities were needed.


Mr Eyre said: "We've got 42,000 commuters every single day in the city centre, it's madness not to extend.


"If the customers are there then you need to be open those hours."


However, one trader told BBC Radio Sheffield: "It's wrong. We do not get enough people in after 3pm, never mind keeping it open to 8pm."


Essentially council says it should be opened till 8 but the traders disagree and ask for more parking. Does that that car park next to the market get full? Sainsbury's over the road seems to be doing alright with the same parking facilities but longer opening hours.

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Made my once per month visit to moor market last week. Used to go to old castle market twice a week but I do agree with its needing to be removed.


If the new moor market were just competitive with prices like the old market I would go more often but it does not even compete with supermarkets. So much space there is not used, wasted.

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At least with Castle Market nearly all gone - the argument about the market moving back there is redundant.


I visit the Moor Market slightly less now than last year. The quality of the fruit and veg is one problem and the view of some (A lot are good though) of the traders that they are doing ME a favour is another. At Fruit Fayre, the guy was on his phone whilst trying to 'deal' with me. I wasn't impressed and haven't been back since August.


Some of the traders need to sort themselves out along with the council.

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I don't think parking is the biggest issue; the biggest difference of convenience for me between the market and a supermarket like Sainsbury's over the road is how you can pay: in the market I need to pay each stallholder separately in cash, but in the supermarket I can pay for everything in one go and use a card if I prefer.

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I am going to the moor today but looking at my list I will not go to the market. When I used to walk by castle market I always used to just have a look inside even when I did not need anything because the old market had more variety and surprises that could change the mind. Moor market has become as boring as Tesco.

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