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The New Moor Market

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The new Moor market is on the 'upper class side of town' - since when is the bottom of the Moor the upper class side of the town???


i think you will find the upper class side of town starts at millhouses park and beyond, before that is getting steadily worse:gag:

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Yes people have gone to it for years but those people are slowly dying off.


Im interested to hear what is specifically "crap" about the new market. Now lets be clear here. I want a reason to do with the actual Market itself. Not the choice, not the quality, not the atmosphere, not the goods on offer, not the types of traders.


THE actual marketplace. If the answer fits into any of the above there is only one person to blame. THE TRADERS.


Face facts. The whole world has changed. Taste and shopping habits have changed. We are a city not a small market town. For many of our populous they have very very different income brackets, jobs and consumer demands to those of Barnsley or Chesterfield. Despite what the rose tinted brigade think, the market has never been the dominant player in Sheffield city's retail for over 20 years now.


Castle Market is not coming back. That whole area of the city is becoming less and less about retail. It was never gonna stay there.


The Moor is going to be where the shops are. People need to use it or lose it as far as I am concerned. I am just personally getting so sick of same moaning, whinging and reminiscing about those so called "good old days". Its OVER.


We either have a market hall that people want to use or we don't. Quite frankly, I wouldn't care less if we don't have one. If people aren't that interested and people don't stop making pathetic excuses about why they wont visit - fine. Sell the real estate space to traders who actually want to put the effort in and will use it for something good. Sell the retail space to a trader who customers will actually make the effort to visit.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Let's face it once and for all......


The old market was just that, an old institution,where people had gone for years, where nothing was quite right, and it was rundown and a bit crap.


The new market is just crap.


The old market was crap, inaccessible and smelly.


The new one is OK, just about accessible and clean.


I've been to the new market more times in the last year than I went to the old one in 20 years. Mostly because it doesn't smell and I don't feel in physical danger going in there.


I can't believe that anyone has any nostalgia for the health hazard that was the Castle Market.

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It was a ****hole and anyone who says differently is living in cloud cuckoo land


Let's not talk about the old market which is gone and never coming back.


What is important is the new market and how it can be made into a success. If it was ever closed that would be a disaster for market fresh food in Sheffield.

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It was a ****hole and anyone who says differently is living in cloud cuckoo land


It was a ****hole with twice as many people using it and anyone who says differently is living in cloud cuckoo land.


So long as you can buy your £5 a bottle Hairy Bishop's Knob Wollop Pale Ale you'll be alright Jack.

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It was a ****hole and anyone who says differently is living in cloud cuckoo land
It certainly was in the last 20-25 years of its life, but that's what happens when something gets starved of maintenance and investment while subsequent councils faff about making plans to move it.


Let's not talk about the old market which is gone and never coming back.


What is important is the new market and how it can be made into a success. If it was ever closed that would be a disaster for market fresh food in Sheffield.

Opening any new market in the current climate is a challenge so you have to stack things in its favour. Opening it in a non-central location away from the tram route and only having stalls selling barely desirable things you can get in countless other places was insanity. If it can hold on until the new buildings are open (next year?) it might stand a chance but its future looks grim.
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What exactly do the people who slag if off say it is missing? I buy all the same things that I did from the old market, just in a cleaner environment. The massive rise in pound shops will have impacted heavily on the tat and cleaning / household product stalls but that goes for all markets everywhere.

Edited by neeeeeeeeeek
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